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Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale868

This is why, in fact, Christians draw upon the example of figures such as

Saint Adalbert and Saint Agnes of Bohemia. Their commitment to spreading

the Gospel was motivated by the conviction that Christians should not cower

in fear of the world but rather confidently share the treasury of truths

entrusted to them. Likewise Christians today, opening themselves to present

realities and affirming all that is good in society, must have the courage to

invite men and women to the radical conversion that ensues upon an en-

counter with Christ and ushers in a new life of grace.

From this perspective, we understand more clearly why Christians are

obliged to join others in reminding Europe of her roots. It is not because

these roots have long since withered. On the contrary! It is because they

continue - in subtle but nonetheless fruitful ways - to supply the continent

with the spiritual and moral sustenance that allows her to enter into mean-

ingful dialogue with people from other cultures and religions. Precisely

because the Gospel is not an ideology, it does not presume to lock evolving

socio-political realities into rigid schemas. Rather, it transcends the vicissi-

tudes of this world and casts new light on the dignity of the human person in

every age. Dear friends, let us ask the Lord to implant within us a spirit of

courage to share the timeless saving truths which have shaped, and will

continue to shape, the social and cultural progress of this continent.

The salvation wrought by Jesus's suffering, death, resurrection and

ascension into heaven not only transforms us who believe in him, but urges

us to share this Good News with others. Enlightened by the Spirit's gifts

of knowledge, wisdom and understanding,4 may our capacity to grasp the

truth taught by Jesus Christ impel us to work tirelessly for the unity he

desires for all his children reborn through Baptism, and indeed for the

whole human race.

With these sentiments, and with fraternal affection for you and the

members of your respective communities, I express my deep thanks to you

and commend you to Almighty God, who is our fortress, our stronghold and

our deliverer.5 Amen.

4 Cfr. Is 11:1-2; Ex 35:31. 5 Cfr. Ps 144:2.