1. Vicissitudes of the Seventh Mansion. 2. Humility produced by them. 3.

Such souls free from mortal and from wilful venial sins. 4. The fate of

Solomon. 5. Holy fear. 6. These favours strengthen souls to suffer. 7.

Crosses borne by the saints. 8. Effect of vision of our Lord on St. Peter.

9. Fruits of these favours. 10. Why the spiritual marriage takes place. 11.

Love for Christ proved by our deeds. 12. True spirituality. 13. Humility and

the virtues must combine with prayer. 14. Zeal of advanced souls. 15.

Strengthened by the divine Presence within them. 16. Examples of the saints.

17. Both Martha and Mary must serve our Lord. 18. Christ's food. 19. Mary's

mortification. 20. Her grief at the Passion. 21. Can we lead souls to God?

22. How to do so. 23. Love gives value to our deeds. 24. Conclusion.

1. You must not suppose, sisters, that the effects I mentioned always exist

in the same degree in these souls, for as far as I remember, I told you that

in most cases our Lord occasionally leaves such persons to the weakness of

their nature. The venomous creatures from the moat round the castle and the

other mansions at once unite to revenge themselves for the time when they

were deprived of their power.

2. True, this lasts but a short time--a day perhaps or a little longer--but

during this disturbance, which generally arises from some passing event,

these persons learn what benefits they derive from the holy Company they are

in. Our Lord gives them such great fortitude that they never desert His

service nor the good resolutions they have made, which only seem to gather

strength by trial, nor do their hearts ever turn from them, even by a slight

movement of the will. This trouble rarely happens; our Lord wishes the soul

to keep in mind its natural condition so that it may be humble and may

better understand how much it owes Him, and how great a grace it has

received, and so may praise Him.

3. Do not fancy that in spite of the strong desire and determination of

these souls that they do not commit imperfections and even fall into many

sins: that is, not wilfully; for such people are given special grace from

God on this point: I mean venial sins. As far as they are aware, they are

free from mortal sins, although they do not feel certain they may not be

guilty of some of which they are ignorant.

4. This grieves their hearts sorely, as does the sight of the souls

perishing around them; although on the one hand they have strong hopes of

not being themselves among the number of the lost, yet remembering what we

are told in Holy Scripture of the fate of men who, like Solomon, seemed the

special favourites of God [437] and conversed so familiarly with His

Majesty, they cannot help fearing for themselves.

5. Let that one among you who feels most confidence on this point fear the

most, for: 'Blessed is the man who feareth the Lord,' as David said. [438]

May His Majesty ever protect us. Let us beg Him never to permit us to offend

Him: therein lies our greatest safety. May He be for ever praised. Amen.

6. It would be well to tell you, sisters, the reason why God bestows such

favours on souls in this world, although you must have learned this by the

effects produced if you have considered the matter. I return to the matter

in order that none of you may think it is only for the sake of the pleasure

such persons feel, which would be a great mistake on your part, for His

Majesty can bestow no greater favour on us than to give us a life such as

was led by His beloved Son. Therefore, as I have often told you, I feel

certain that these graces are sent to strengthen our weakness so that we may

imitate Him by suffering much.

7. We always find that those nearest to Christ our Lord bear the heaviest

cross: think of what His glorious Mother and the Apostles bore. How do you

think St. Paul went through such immense labours? [439] We learn from his

conduct the fruits of genuine visions and contemplation which come from our

Lord and not from our own imagination, or the devil's fraud. Do you suppose

that St. Paul hid himself to enjoy these spiritual consolations at leisure

and did nothing else? You know that he never took a day's rest so far as we

can learn, nor could he have slept much since he worked all night to get his

living. [440]

8. I am delighted with St. Peter, who when fleeing from prison was met by

our Lord, Who told him He was going to Rome to be crucified again. I never

recite the Office in which this is commemorated without feeling a special

joy. [441] What effect did this vision have on St. Peter, and what did he

do? He went at once to meet his death--and our Lord did him no small favour

in finding him an executioner!

9. Oh, my sisters, how forgetful of her ease, how unmindful of honours, and

how far from seeking men's esteem should she be whose soul God thus chooses

for His special dwelling-place! For if her mind is fixed on Him, as it ought

to be, she must needs forget herself: all her thoughts are bent on how to

please Him better and when and how she can show the love she bears Him.

10. This is the end and aim of prayer, my daughters; this is the reason of

the spiritual marriage whose children are always good works. Works are the

unmistakable sign which shows these favours come from God, as I told you. It

will do me little good to be deeply recollected when alone, making acts of

the virtues, planning and promising to do wonders in God's service, if

afterwards, when occasion offers, I do just the opposite. I did wrong in

saying, 'It will do me little good,' for all the time we spend with God does

us great good. Though afterwards we may weakly fail to perform our good

intentions, yet some time or other His Majesty will find a way for us to

practise them although perhaps much to our regret. Thus when He sees a soul

very cowardly, He often sends it some great affliction, much against its

will, and brings it through this trial with profit to itself, When the soul

has learnt this, it is less timid in offering itself to Him.

11. I ought to have said, 'will do us little good' in comparison with the

far greater good we can gain when our works fulfil our aspirations and our

promises. She that cannot do all this at once should do it little by little,

gradually dominating her will, if she wishes to gain fruit from prayer. Even

in this little nook she will find many a chance to praise this. Remember,

this is of far more importance than I know how to express. Fix your eyes on

the Crucified One, and all will seem easy. If His Majesty proved His love

for us by such stupendous labours and sufferings, how can you seek to please

Him by words alone?

12. Do you know what it is to be truly spiritual? It is for men to make

themselves the slaves of God--branded with His mark, which is the cross.

Since they have given Him their freedom, He can sell them as slaves to the

whole world, as He was, which would be doing them no wrong but the greatest

favour. Unless you make up your minds to this, never expect to make much

progress, [442] for as I said humility is the foundation of the whole

building and unless you are truly humble, our Lord, for your own sake, will

never permit you to rear it very high lest it should fall to the ground.

13. Therefore, sisters, take care to lay a firm foundation by seeking to be

the least of all and the slave of others, watching how you can please and

help them, for it will benefit you more than them. Built on such strong

rocks, your castle can never go to ruin. I insist again: your foundation

must not consist of prayer and contemplation alone: unless you acquire the

virtues and praise them, you will always be dwarfs; and please God no worse

may befall you than making no progress, for you know that to stop is to go

back--if you love, you will never be content to come to a standstill.

14. Perhaps you think I am speaking of beginners and that one may rest later

on, but, as I told you, the rest such souls feel is within them: they have

less outwardly nor do they wish for it. Why, do you think, does the soul

send from its centre these inspirations, or rather aspirations, (the

messages of which I spoke), to the dwellers in the precincts of the castle

and to the surrounding mansions? To send them to sleep? No, no, no! The soul

wages a fiercer war from thence to keep the powers, senses and the whole

body from being idle, than ever it did when it suffered in their company.

Formerly it did not understand the immense benefit its afflictions brought,

though indeed they may have been the means God used to advance it to this


15. Besides, the company it enjoys gives it far greater strength than ever

before. If, as David says: 'With the holy thou shalt be holy,' [443]

doubtless by its becoming one with the Almighty, by this sovereign union of

spirit with spirit, the soul must gather strength, as we know the saints

did, to suffer and to die. Beyond doubt, with the force thus gained, the

soul succours all within the castle and even the very body itself, which

often seems to have no feeling left in it. The vigour the soul derives from

'the wine' drunk in the 'cellar' [444] (into which the Bridegroom brought

her and would not let her go) overflows into the feeble body, just as the

food we eat nourishes both the head and the whole frame.

16. Indeed the body suffers much while alive, for whatever work it does, the

soul has energy for far greater tasks and goads it on to more, for all it

can perform appears as nothing. This must be the reason of the severe

penances performed by many of the saints, especially the glorious Magdalen,

who had always spent her life in luxury. [445] This caused the zeal felt

by our Father Elias for the honour of God, [446] and the desires of St.

Dominic, [447] and St. Francis [448] to draw souls to praise the

Almighty. I assure you that, forgetful of themselves, they must have passed

through no small trials.

17. This, my sisters, is what I would have us strive for--to offer our

petitions and to practise prayer, not for our own enjoyment but to gain

strength to serve God. Let us seek no fresh path; we should lose ourselves

in ways of ease. It would be a strange thing to fancy we should gain these

graces by any other road than that by which Jesus and all His saints have

gone before. Let us not dream of such a thing: believe me, both Martha and

Mary must entertain our Lord and keep Him as their Guest, nor must they be

so inhospitable as to offer Him no food. How can Mary do this while she sits

at His feet, if her sister does not help her? [449]

18. His food is that in every possible way we should draw souls to Him so

that they may be saved and may praise Him for ever. You may offer two

objections--first, that I said that Mary had chosen the better part, [450]

for she had already done Martha's work by waiting on our Lord, by washing

His feet and by wiping them with her hair.

19. Do you think it was a small mortification for a woman of rank, as she

was, to go through the street, perhaps by herself, for in her zeal she never

thought of how she went? Then she entered a house where she was a stranger

and had to bear the railing of the Pharisee and many other trials. [451]

It was strange to see such a woman as she had been thus publicly change her

life. With a wicked nation like the Jews, the sight of her love for our Lord

Whom they hated so bitterly was enough to make them cast in her face her

former life and taunt her with wanting to become a saint. Doubtless she must

have changed her rich robes and all the rest. Considering how men talk now

of people far less known than she was, what must have been said of her?

20. I assure you, sisters, she won the better part after many crosses and

mortifications. Must not the mere sight of men's hatred of her Master have

been an intolerable trial? Then, think of what she endured afterwards at our

Lord's death! I believe, myself, that she did not suffer martyrdom because

she was already a martyr by grief at witnessing the crucifixion. [452]

Then what terrible pain His absence must have caused her [453] during the

long years afterwards! You see, she was not always enjoying contemplation at

the feet of our Saviour!

21. Secondly, you may say that you have neither the power nor the means to

lead souls to God; though you would willingly do so, you do not know how, as

you can neither teach nor preach as did the Apostles. I have often written

an answer to this objection though I cannot tell whether I have done so in

connection with the Castle. However, as the difficulty probably often

crosses your minds on account of the desires our Lord gives you of serving

Him, I will now speak of it again. [454] I told you elsewhere how the

devil frequently fills our thoughts with great schemes, so that instead of

putting our hands to what work we can do to serve our Lord, we may rest

satisfied with wishing to perform impossibilities.

22. You can do much by prayer; and then, do not try to help the whole world,

but principally your companions; this work will be all the better because

you are the more bound to it. Do you think it is a trifling matter that your

humility and mortification, your readiness to serve your sisters, your

fervent charity towards them, and your love of God, should be as a fire to

enkindle their zeal, and that you should constantly incite them to practise

the other virtues? This would be a great work and one most pleasing to our

Lord: by thus doing all that is in your power, you would prove to His

Majesty your willingness to do still more and He would reward you as if you

had won Him many souls. Do you answer: 'This would not be converting my

sisters, for they are very good already?' What business is that of yours? If

they were still better, the praise they render God would please Him more and

their prayers would be more helpful to their neighbours. [455]

23. In short, my sisters, I will conclude with this advice; do not build

towers without a foundation, for our Lord does not care so much for the

importance of our works as for the love with which they are done. When we do

all we can, His Majesty will enable us to do more every day. If we do not

grow weary, but during the brief time this life lasts (and perhaps it will

be shorter than any of you think) we give our Lord every sacrifice we can,

both interior and exterior, His Majesty will unite them with that He offered

to His Father for us on the Cross so that they may be worth the value given

them by our love, however mean the works themselves may be.

24. May it please His Majesty, my sisters and my daughters, that we may all

meet together where we may praise Him for ever, and may He give me grace to

practice something of what I have taught you, by the merits of His Son, Who

liveth and reigneth for ever! Amen. I assure you that I am filled with

confusion at myself and I beg you, for the sake of the same Lord, not to

forget this poor sinner in your prayers.


[437] III. Reg. xi.

[438] Ps. cxi. 1. 'Beatus vir qui timet Dominum.'

[439] Though thou shouldst have been rapt up to the third heaven with Saint

Paul, thou art not thereby secured that thou shalt suffer no adversity.

'I,' said Jesus, 'will shew him how great things he must suffer for My

name's sake' (Acts. ix. 16). To suffer, therefore, is what waits for thee,

if thou wilt love Jesus and constantly serve Him For our merit and the

advancement of our state consist not in having many sweetnesses and

consolations, but rather in bearing great afflictions and tribulations'

(Imitation, bk. ii. ch. xii. 12).

[440] i Thess. ii. 9.

[441] The Antiphon of the Magnificat at first Vespers of the Feast of Saints

Peter and Paul, June 29, in the Carmelite Breviary used by St. Teresa is:

'Beatus Petrus Apostolus vidit sibi Christum occurrere. Adorans eum ait:

«Domine, quo vadis?»--«Venio Romam iterum crucifigi.» 'The Blessed Apostle

Peter saw Christ come to meet him. Adoring Him, he asked «Lord, where art

Thou going?»--«I go to Rome to be crucified anew.» The saint at once returned

to Rome and was taken by the soldiers and crucified. See Letter of Jan. 17.

1577, note 4. Vol. II.

[442] «If thou wilt stand upon self and wilt not offer thyself freely to My

will, thine offering is not perfect, nor will there be entire union between

us.' (Imitation, bk. iv. ch. viii. 2.)

[443] Ps. xvii. 26: 'Cum sancto sanctus eris.'

[444] Cant. ii. 4.

[445] 'St. Mary Magdalen gave herself up to penance and contemplation in a

deep excavation of the rocks at La Baume, near Marseilles. In this wild spot

there was neither bread, water, nor even herbage. Thus she lived for more

than thirty-two years without any kind of nourishment but that which was

celestial, performing meanwhile most severe penances.' (St. Vincent Ferrer.)

[446] III Reg. xix. 10.

[447] 'There was one sentiment within him to which may almost be given the

name of passion: it was his ceaseless burning thirst for the salvation of

souls. As his Divine Master had come into the world to save sinners and

loved them even unto death, so he, too, gave up all that was most dear to

him in his life to win souls to Christ. He was always giving himself: it was

the very key-note of his existence. He would have sold himself as a slave,

he would have been cut to pieces by the heretics, he would spare himself

neither by day nor by night, if by any means he might save some.' (From the

History of St. Dominic, by Augusta Theodosia Drane. London, 1891, p. 256).

[448] 'St. Francis of Assisi, at the very beginning of his Order, when he

had only seven followers, said to them: «Consider, my brethren, what is our

vocation. It is not only for our own salvation that the mercy of God has

called us, but for the salvation of many other souls. It is that we may go

forth and exhort all men rather by our example than by our words, to do

penance and keep the divine commands.»' (The Life of St. Francis of Assisi,

by a religious of the Order of Poor Clares, London, 1861, p. 32).

[449] St. Luke x. 39, 40. Life, ch. xvii. 6. Rel. viii. 6. Way of Perf. ch.

i. 4. Concep. ch. vii. 4.

[450] Ibid. x. 42: 'Maria optimam partem elegit.'

[451] Ibid. vii. 37.

[452] Marginal note in the Saint's handwriting.

[453] Life, ch. xxi. 9.

[454] Way of Perf. ch, i. 1. Found, ch. i, 6, 7. Supra, M. vi ch. vi, 2.

[455] Way of Perf. ch. vii. 7.




ALTHOUGH, as I told you, I felt reluctant to begin this work, yet now it is

finished I am very glad to have written it, and I think my trouble has been

well spent, though I confess it has cost me but little. Considering your

strict enclosure, the little recreation you have, my sisters, and how many

conveniences are wanting in some of your convents, I think it may console

you to enjoy yourselves in this interior castle which you can enter, and

walk about at will, at any hour you please, without asking leave of your

superiors. It is true you cannot enter all the mansions by your own power,

however great it may appear to you, unless the Lord of the castle Himself

admits you. Therefore I advise you to use no violence if you meet with any

obstacle, for that would displease Him so much that He would never give you

admission to them. He dearly loves humility: [456] if you think yourselves

unworthy to enter the third mansion, He will grant you all the sooner the

favour of entering the fifth. Then, if you serve Him well there and often

repair to it, He will draw you into the mansion where He dwells Himself,

whence you need never depart unless called away by the Prioress, whose

commands this sovereign Master wishes you to obey as if they were His own.

If by her orders, you are often absent from His presence chamber, whenever

you return He will hold the door open for you. When once you have learnt how

to enjoy this castle, you will always find rest, however painful your trials

may be, in the hope of returning to your Lord, which no one can prevent.

Although I have only mentioned seven mansions, yet each one contains many

more rooms, above, below, and around it, with fair gardens, fountains, and

labyrinths, besides other things so delightful that you will wish to consume

yourself in praising in return the great God Who has created the soul to His

own image and likeness. If you find anything in the plan of this treatise

which helps you to know Him better, be certain that it is sent by His

Majesty to encourage you, and that whatever you find amiss in it is my own.

In return for my strong desire to aid you in serving Him, my God and my

Lord, I implore you, whenever you read this, to praise His Majesty fervently

in my name and to beg Him to prosper His Church, to give light to the

Lutherans, to pardon my sins and to free me from purgatory, where perhaps I

shall be, by the mercy of God, when you see this book (if it is given to you

after having been examined by theologians). If these writings contain any

error, it is through my ignorance; I submit in all things to the teachings

of the holy Catholic Roman Church, of which I am now a member, as I protest

and promise I will be both in life and death. May our Lord God be for ever

praised and blessed! Amen, Amen.

I finished writing this book in the convent of St. Joseph of Avila, 1577, on

the Vigil of St. Andrew, for the glory of God, Who liveth and reigneth for

ever and ever! Amen.







[456] Way of Perf. ch. xvi. 1.



Absalom, III. i. 6

Acts of praise, love, etc. IV. i. 7

Agnes St., VI. v. 13

Alcantara, St. Peter of, IV. iii. 5; VI. vi. 13

Alva, Duchess of; VI. iv. 9; VII. i. 9, note 6

Amber, VI. v. 2

Anthony, St., VI. v. 9

Antonius a Spiritu Sancto, IV. iii. I; VI. i. 5, 12, 18, iii. 5; iv. 17, VI.


Apostles, our Lord's prayer for, VII. ii. 10; sufferings of, VII. iv. 7

Augustine, St., IV. iii. 3; VI. vii. 11

Avila, Bl. John of; VI. ix. 11; St. Joseph's convent at, VI. vi. 14; VII.

iv. conclusion

Awe, produced by visions, VI. ix. 4

Babe, likeness of; IV. iii. 9

Ba+¦ez, Fr. Dominic, VI. ix. 11

Bee, likeness of; I. ii. 9; V. ii. 2

Beggar, likeness of; IV. iii. 5

Beginners, II. i. passim

Bethsaida, the blind man at the pool of; I. i. 10

Blindness, spiritual, VI. iv. 15

Body, the setting of the diamond, I. i. 3; the outer walls of the Castle, I.

i. 3; care of, III. ii. 9, 11; VI. iii. 12; strength of; not necessary in

prayer of Union, V. i. 2; effect of prayer of Union on, V. i. 3

Books, spiritual insufficiency of, IV. iii. 4; use of; V. ii. 3

Bride, in the Canticle, V. i. 10; and Bridegroom, V. iv. 3

Butterfly, likeness of, V. ii. I, 2. 6, 7, 8; iv. I; VI. iv. 1, Vi. I, 3;

xi. I; VII. iii. 1, 10

Cecilia, St., V. iv. 1

Call, God's, to the soul, II. i. 4-6; IV. iii. 2, 3

Carelessness in prayer, I. i. 9

Carmel, our Lady of; Preface, p. 36; III. i. 5; Order of, Constitutions, I.

ii. 7; V. i. 2; Rule of, VI. vi. 7

Carmelite nuns, discalced, Preface, p. 36; I. i. 9; VI. vi. 14

Castle, Interior, Preface, argument, p. 35; I. i. 2, 3, ii. I; VI. iii. 27,

iv. 17; description, I. ii. 8; entrance to, I. i. 7; foundation of, VII. iv.

13; prayer and meditation, I. i. 9, 11; precincts of, I. i. 10

Caterpillar, likeness of, V. ii. 6

Cellar of wine, V. i. 10, ii. 11

Certitude of the soul, a sign of union, V. i. 8, 9

Changes wrought in the soul by prayer of Union, V. ii. 7, 10, 12

Charity, works of; only remedy in times of darkness, VI. i. 24; effect of

spiritual matrimony, VII. iv. 16-23

Christ's face, VI. ix. 12; sufferings, our pains joined to, V. ii. 4

Church, holy Roman Catholic, Preface, p. 36; VII. iv. conclusion; love of,

IV. i. 7

Clearness, a sign that locutions come from God, VI. iii. 20

Communion, holy, VII. ii. 1

Complaints, loving, VI. ii. 3

Confession, regular, V. ii. 3

Confessor, to be consulted on locutions, VI. iii. 18; and on visions, VI.

ix. 10; if mistaken, VI. viii. 10, 11; timorous, VI. i. 15-19

Confidence, II. i. 17

Confirmation in grace, VII. ii. 13

Conformity with the will of God, II. i. 15; III. ii. 5, 8; VI. xi. 5.

Consolations, divine (prayer of Quiet), III. ii. 13; IV. i. 4, 5, ii. 2, 4,

5, 6, iii. 7; earthly, no use, VI. i. 22

Contempt, III. ii. 6; for earthly things, an effect of raptures, VI. V. 13

Contradiction, by good people, VI. i. 5

Courage, necessary, II. i. 13; III. ii. 10; VI. i. 2, 3, iv. I, V. 7, 14.

Cross, II. i. 15; necessary in prayer of Union, V. ii. 8; of saints, VII.

iv. 7

Crystal, I. i. 2, ii. 3, 4

Darkness, dispelled by God, VI. i. 20; different kinds of, I. ii. I. VII. i.


David, King, III. i. 6; VI. x. 5; VII. iv. 5, 15

Deaf-mutes, II. i. 3, 6

Deception, fear of, VI. i. 16; satanic, V. iv. 5, 6, 7; where impossible,

VI. ii. 9-12

Defects, impeding union, V. iii. 6

Desires, of death, VI. xi. 9; VII. iii. 14; generous, IV. i. 7; to serve

God, better than visions, etc., VI. ix. 20, 2 i; VII. iii. 5; of suffering,

VII. iii. 4; sometimes to be checked, VI. vi. 5; to see God, VI. vii. 3

Detachment, III. i. 13, ii. 7

Detraction, I. ii. 22

Devil, I. ii. 2; like a file, I. ii. 19 deceives by false favours, IV. iii.

10-13; V. ii. 8; a good painter, VI. ix. 11; unable to interfere in prayer

of Union, V. i. 6.; and in intellectual visions, VI. x. i; wiles of, I. ii.

13, 18, 20; II, i. 11; IV. iii. 10; VI. i. 25

Devotion, sensible, see Sweetness in prayer

Diamond, soul likened to, I. i.2, 3

Dilatation of heart, IV. i. 5, ii. 5

Direction necessary, II. i. 18; III. ii. 18

Directors, learned and unlearned, V. i. 7; VI. i. 16-19

Distractions, in prayer, I. i. 10; IV. i. 10, 11

Dominic, St., V. iv. 4; VII. iv. 16

Dove, soul likened to, V. iii. 1; iv. I; VI. ii. I, xi. I

Drowsiness, V. i. 3, 5

Dryness, in prayer, III. i. 9, 10, 15

Easter, trance on the feast of, VI. xi. 8.

Ecstasies, rare in Seventh Mansions, VII. iii. 10

Elias, St., VI. vii. 10; VII. iv. 16

Energy, III. ii. 10, 11

Enriquez, Do+¦a Maria, VI. iv. 9; VII. i. 9

Entering within oneself; IV. iii. I, 3, 4

Envy, spiritual, I. i. 5

Espousals, spiritual, V. iv. 1-3; VI. ii. 1, iv. i; difference between, and

matrimony, VII. ii. 2, 4

Exclamations, VII. ii. 7

Exterior works do not interfere with interior life, VII. iii. 3

Faculties, given to be used, IV. iii. 6; suspension of, VI. iv. 17

Faults, slight, V. iv. 6

Favours, divine, not to be disbelieved, I. i. 6.; value of; III, ii. 16, 17;

how to be used, IV. iii. 9, 10; false, IV. iii. 11, 12; V. ii. 8;

distinction from divine, IV. iii. 12

Fear of illusions, VI. ix. 8

Ferrer, St. Vincent, VII. iv. 16

Fervour, supernatural, VI. ii. 14; VII. iv. 14

File, devil likened to a, I. ii. 19

Fire of burning coal, God likened to, VI. ii. 6

Flight of the spirit, IV. i. 10; VI. v. I, 2, 8, 10-13

Francis, St., V. iv. 4; VI. vi. 12; VII. iv. 16

Fraternal charity, V. iii. 11, 12

Fretting under trials, III. ii. I, 2

Friendship, spiritual, II. i. 12

Fuente, Don Vicente de, VII. ii. 7

Gaze, the simple, VI. vii. 14

Gedeon, II. i. 13

Give all to God, V. i. 3

God compels the soul to listen when He speaks, VI. iii. 27

God's special care of souls most advanced, VII. iii. 8

Gonzalez, Giles, VII. i. 9

Gratian, Father Jerome, I. ii. 21; IV. i. 11; V. i. 9

Grief; natural and supernatural, V. ii. 11, 13, iii. 7

Hart, wounded, VII. iii. 12

Heathen philosophers, V. iii. 7

Hell, VI. xi. 7; fear of, lost, VI. vii. 4; torments of, milder than those

of the last Judgment, VI. ix. 4

Human praise and blame alike troublesome, VI. i. 7-11

Humanity, sacred of our Lord, meditation on, VI. vii. 6-19; vision of, VI.

ix. 2; VII.

Humility, effect of supernatural favours, VI. iii. 25; v. 5, ix. 9; false,

I. ii. II, 12; always necessary, I. ii. 9, 10, 12; III. i. 13, 15, ii. 3, 8;

IV. ii. 8; from vision of a soul in mortal sin, I. ii. 5; want of I. 15;

III. ii. 12; humility and truth, VI. x. 6

Hysteria, see Melancholia

Ignatius of Loyola, St., V. iv. 4

Ignorance, injurious, IV. i. 9, 13; of a priest, V. i. 7, 9

Imagination, IV. i. 8-10, iii. 13; VI. i. 1; difference between it and

visions, VI. ix. 5, 6; locutions proceeding from, VI. iii. 16, 17

Imitation of Christ, I. i. 8; II. i. 8; V. i. 3, iii. 3; VII. iv. 7, 12

Impulses, VI. ii. 12, xi. per totem.

Incense, spiritual, IV. ii. 6; VI. ii. 14

Inebriation, spiritual, VI. iv. 18, 19, vi. 15

Insecurity, III. i. 3

Intellectual locutions, VI. iii. 19-24

Interior Castle, see Castle Isabel of Jesus, VI. xi. 8

Jacob, VI. iv. 6

Jerome, St., VI. ix. 4

Jesus, I. ii. 4; ever our guide, VI. vii. 7, 8; our model, I. ii. 12; His

Passion, V. ii. VI. vii. 8, 9

Jewels, V. i. 2; VI. iv. 9, v. 13, ix. I.

John of Avila, Blessed, VI. ix. 11 n.

John of the Cross, St., I. i. 2, 4; IV. I, 3, iii. 3, 6; V. i. 6, 9; VI. ii.

3, 14, iii. 5, 7 sqq., iv. 21, v. 2, vii. 8, 10, viii. 3. ix. 20 xi. 4, 6;

VII. i. 13, ii. 13

Jonas, prophet, V. iii. 6. 14

Jordan, river, VI. vi. 3

Josue, VI. iii. 27

Joy at seeing locutions fulfilled, VI. iii. 13

Jubilation, I. ii. 5; VI. vi. 11-1 5

Judas, V. iii. 2, iv. 5

Judgment, last, VI. ix. 4

Kernel of palmito, I. ii. 8

Kiss of the Bridegroom, VII. iii. 12

Lazarus, V. iii. 5

Leon, Fray Luis de, III. i. 3; VII. ii. 7

Liberty of spirit, I. ii. 9

Light, I. ii. 15; supernatural, VI. v. 8

Likeness of Christ, VI. ix. 11

Lizards, V. i. 5

Locutions, VI. iii. per totum; 'Be not troubled,' ib. 7; VI. iv. 21; 'It is

I,' VI. iii. 8, viii. 3, 4; 'Be at peace,' VI. iii. 8; VII. ii. 2; 'To care

for God's affairs,' VII. 11. I, iii. 1

Loss of highly favoured souls, IV. iii. 10

Lot's wife, I. i. 8

Love of enemies, VI. i. 12; of God, IV. i. 7; V. iii. 7, 8; of neighbour, V.

iii. 7, 8

Ludolf of Saxony, VI. ix. 4

Lutherans, VII. iv. conclusion

Mansions, I. i. 2, 4, ii. 4, 8, 15; VII. iv. conclusion

Martha, VII. i. 14, iv. 17

Martin, St., VI. vi. 6

Mary, Blessed Virgin, our help, I. ii. 14; meditation on, VI. vii. 8;

sufferings of, VII. iv. 7

Mary Magdalen, St., I. i. 5; VI. vii. 5, xi. 1 2; VII. i. 14, ii. 9, iv.


Matrimony, spiritual, VII. I, 7, ii. per totum; difference between, and

Espousals, VII. ii. 2; effects of, VII. iv. 10 sqq.; in this state soul free

from sin, VII. iv. 3; and confirmed in grace, VII. ii. 13

Meditation, VI. vii. 11-13

Melancholia, (hysteria), III. i 9; IV. ii. 1, 2; VI. i. 15, iii. 2, 3, vi.

7, 15

Memento, VI. iv. 14

Mendoza, Don Alvaro de, VII. iii. 4

Moses, VI. iv. 7

Mount Carmel, see Carmel

Music, VII. iii. 10

Mysteries, revealed during raptures, VI. iv. 10, 12, 13

Noe's Ark, VII. iii. 12

Nuptials, spiritual, see Matrimony

Obedience, preface, p. 3 5; I. i. 1; III. i. 4, ii. 18

Obligations, of a soul enraptured, VI. v. 4; on account of intellectual

visions, VI. viii. 8

Odour, supernatural, VI. ii. 14

Olive branch, VII. iii. 12

Padranos, Fr. Juan de, VI. viii. 3

Palace, God likened to, VI. x. 3; VII. ii. 15

Palmito, I. ii. 8

Passion of Christ, V. ii. 13; becomes the property of the soul, VI. v. 6;

meditation on, VI. vii. 8, 9, 13-15

Paul, St., I. i. 5; III. i. 13; VI. vii. 5, ix. 7; VII. i. 8, ii. 6, iv. 7;

(hermit) VI. v. 9

Peace, II. i. 16; following upon Spiritual Matrimony, VII. ii. 10, 13, iii.

9, 13; 'Peace be with you,' V. i. 10; VII. ii. 2

Penances, indiscreet, I. ii. 19.; too discreet, III. ii. 9

Perfection, true, I. ii. 20

Perfume, IV. ii. 6; VI. ii. 14

Perseverance, II. i. 17, 18; III. i. 1

Peter, St., III. i. 13; VI. vii. 5; VII. iv. 8

Phoenix, VI. iv. 3

Philippus a Ss. Trinitate, IV. i. 3, ii. 8, iii. 1; V. i. 8, iii. 4, iv. 3;

VI. i. 18, iv. 3 sqq., v. 2, 10, vi. 11

Pictures, holy, VII. iii. 10

Pilate, VI. x. 5

Prayer, St. Teresa's writings on, Preface, p. 36; books on, I. i. 8; IV.

iii. 4, 5; no difference between vocal and mental, I. i 9; talking

inconsiderately to God is not prayer, I. i. 9; need of guidance in, I. ii.

7; II. i. 18; perseverance in, II. i. 19; prayer and mortification a great

work, VII. iv. 22

Preparation for prayer of Union, V. ii. 4, 5

Presence, spiritual of our Lord, VI. viii. 2-6; VII. iii. 5, 7; of Saints,

ib. 7; of the Blessed Trinity, VII. i. 9-13

Presence chamber, God's, VII. i. 3, 7

Prioress, advice to, IV. iii. 12; VI. iii. 2, vii. 16, viii. 11, 12

Prophecies, VI. iii. 11, 12

Purgatory, VI. xi. 6

Quiet, prayer of, IV. iii. 7; different from prayer of Union, V. i. 5. See

also Consolations, divine

Raptures, VI. iv. per totum; effects of, VI. vi. i; false, IV. iii. 11; VI.

iv. 22; rare in Seventh Mansion, VII. iii. 10 Recollection, prayer of, IV.

iii. 1, 3, 4; different from prayer of Quiet, IV. iii. 7

Reptiles, I. i. 11, II. ii. 15; II. i. 16; IV. i. 3; VII. ii. 15, iv, 1

River of living waters, I. ii. 1, 3

Sacrament, Blessed, V. i. 9

Samaritan woman, VI. xi. 5

Saul, king, V. iii. 2; VI. ix. 18

Schram, Dom, VI. iii. 10; viii. 10

Search for God, VI. vii. 11

Secrecy of raptures, VI. iv. 20, 21, viii. 12

Security, III. i. 1, 2

Self-knowledge, I. ii. 9-11; IV. i.

13; V. iv. 8; VI. V. 12

Senses, I, ii. 4; IV. iii. 1; VI, iv. 17

Sepulchre, V. i. 10

Sermons, V. ii. 3; VII. 10

Seville, III. ii. 10

Siena, St. Catharine of; VI. v. 2

Silkworm, likeness of, V. ii. 1-6; 5

Sin, mortal, I. ii. 1-3; committed under the very eyes of God, VI. x. 2, 3

Sinners in prison, VII. i. 4, 5

Slaves of Christ, VII. iv. 12; of our neighbour, VII. iv. 13

Sleep of the soul in prayer of Union, V. i. 3

Solitude, desire of, VI. vi. 1, 2

Solomon, III. i. 6; VII. iii. 9, IV. 4

Sorrow for sins increasing with graces, VI. vii. 1-5

Soul likened to a castle, I. i, 2; to a crystal, I. ii. 3; to a garden, I.

i. 2; to a ship, VI. v. 3; dignity of, I. i. 3; a soul that does not pray is

lame, I. i. 8; soul in mortal sin, I. ii. 1-5; VII. i. 4-6; the soul and its

faculties, VII. i. 15, 16

Spark from the fire of God, VI. ii. 6, 7

Standstill in virtue, V. iv. 10

Struggles, interior, II. i. 9, 10

Sufferings, bodily, VI. i. 13, 14

Sun, source of light, I. ii. I, 3-5, 8

Sweetness in prayer, (sensible devotion), IV. i. 4-7, ii. 4.

Tears, IV. i. 4, 6; V. ii. 9; VI. vi. 6, 9

Temptations, advantages of, IV. i. 3; particularly fierce before Espousals,

V. iv. 4, 7

Teresa, St., consoled by Christ, VI. v. 6; cures a melancholy nun, IV. iii.

12; desires death, VI. vii. 3; desires others to serve God better, V. iii.

2; her experience in spiritual matters, V. i. 7, iv. 4; feels no pain during

ecstasies, IV. i. 11; feels presence of our Lord, VI. viii. 2-5; of the

Saints, ib. 7; former mistakes, VI. vii. 18, 19; suffers from headaches,

Preface, pp. 35, 36; IV. i. 10; never suffered from hysteria, IV. ii. 2;

locutions, vide sub voce; has more light now than formerly, I. ii. 7; IV. i.

i, ii. 6; praises God for favours bestowed on others, III. ii. 16; profits

by vision of a soul in mortal sin, I. ii. 1, 2, 5, VII. i. 4; by heavenly

visions, VII. i. 14; her raptures, vide sub voce; readiness to suffer, VI.

xi, 10; self-disparagement, Preface, p. 37; I. ii. 7; III. i. 4, 5, 7;

submits her writings to the judgment of the Church, Preface, p. 36; VII. iv.

conclusion; suffers at the sight of sin, V. ii. 13; transverberation, VI.

xi. 2, 4, 8; is troubled by turmoil of thoughts, IV. 18; troubles she went

through, VI, i. 5-27; vi. 1, viii. 12; her visions, VI. ix. 20; VII. 1; of

the Blessed Trinity, VII. i. 9 sqq; wound of love, VI. ii. 9; writings,

Preface, p. 36; I. ii. 6, 7; V. iv. 12

Theriac, II. i. 16

Thomas Aquinas, St., V. i. 6; VI. v. 8

Toledo, St. Joseph's convent at, Preface, p. 36

Tortoise, IV. iii. 4.

Trance, false, IV. iii. 11, 12; VI. iv. 22; at Easter, VI. xi. 8

Transverberation, VI. xi. 2, 4, 8

Tree of life, I. ii. I, 3

Trinity, Blessed, feast of, Preface, p. 36; vision of, VII. i. 9; presence

of, VII. i. 9-13

Troubles preceding perfect union, VI. i. 3-20

Understanding, IV. i. 8

Union, prayer of; different from prayer of Quiet, V. i. 5; leads to

Espousals, V. iv. 2; with vanities of the world, V. i. 6, 7; with the Will

of God, V. iii. 5-8

Ursula, St., V. iv. 4

Velasquez, Don Alonso, VII, 13

Virtues, real and imaginary, V. iii. 9, 10

Visions, corporal, St. Teresa never saw one, VI. ix. 3; imaginary, VI. iv.

6, v. 9, ix, per totem; intellectual, VI. iv. 10, 11; v. 9; viii. per totem;

x, per totum; not to be sought or wished for, VI. ix. 13-19; of a soul in

mortal sin. I. ii. 2, 5

Watchfulness, III. i. 2; V. iv. 8, 9

Water, spiritual, I. ii, 3; IV. ii. 3, 4, 8; iii. 8; VI. v. 3; xi, 5; VII.

ii. 8, 13

Wax, soul likened to, V. ii, 11, 12; wax candles, VII. ii. 5

Will of God, union with, V. iii. 4, 5; VI. xi. 5

Works, good, II. i. 20; III. i, 12, 14, ii. 1 5; V. iii. 11; VI, i. 24; VII.

iv. 17-24

World, persons in the, III. i. 8, 9; ii. 4, 5

Worldliness, I. ii, i 6, 17; II. i, 7

Wound of love, VI. ii. 2-12; xi. 2-4, 10-12

Zeal, indiscreet, I. ii. 19, 21; III. ii. 19

Zebedee, sons of; VI, xi. 12




Index of Pages of the Print Edition

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