1. Effects of the graces last received. 2. The soul only cares for God's

honour. 3. But still performs its duties. 4. Other fruits of these favours.

5. The soul's fervent desire to serve God. 6. Christ dwells within this

soul. 7. And recalls it to fervour if negligent. 8. God's constant care of

such souls. 9. Their peace and silence. 10. Few ecstasies in the Seventh

Mansions. 11. Probable reasons for this. 12. Allusions in Holy Scripture to

this state. 13. Watchfulness of such souls. 14. Crosses suffered in this


1. THE little butterfly has died with the greatest joy at having found rest

at last, and now Christ lives in her. [420] Let us see the difference

between her present and her former life, for the effects will prove whether

what I told you was true. As far as can be ascertained they are these:

first, a self-forgetfulness so complete that she really appears not to

exist, as I said, [421] for such a transformation has been worked in her

that she no longer recognizes herself; nor does she remember that heaven, or

life, or glory are to be hers, but seems entirely occupied in seeking God's

interests. Apparently the words spoken by His Majesty have done their work:

'that she was to care for His affairs, and He would care for hers.' [422]

2. Thus she recks nothing, whatever happens, but lives in such strange

oblivion that, as I stated, she seems no longer to exist, nor does she wish

to be of any account in anything--anything! unless she sees that she can

advance, however little, the honour and glory of God, for which she would

most willingly die.

3. Do not fancy I mean, daughters, that she neglects to eat and drink,

though it brings no small torment to her, or to perform the duties of her

state. I am speaking of her interior; as regards her exterior actions there

is little to say, for her chief suffering is to see that she has hardly

strength to do anything. For nothing in the world would she omit doing all

she can which she knows would honour our Lord.

4. The second fruit is a strong desire for suffering, though it does not

disturb her peace as before because the fervent wish of such souls for the

fulfilment of God's will in them makes them acquiesce in all He does. If He

would have her suffer, she is content; if not, she does not torment herself

to death about it as she used to do. She feels a great interior joy when

persecuted, and is far more peaceful than in the former state under such

circumstances: she bears no grudge against her enemies, nor wishes them any

ill. Indeed she has a special love for them, is deeply grieved at seeing

them in trouble, and does all she can to relieve them, [423] earnestly

interceding with God on their behalf. She would be glad to forfeit the

favours His Majesty shows her, if they might be given to her enemies

instead, to prevent their offending our Lord. 5. The most surprising thing

to me is that the sorrow and distress which such souls felt because they

could not die and enjoy our Lord's presence [424] are now exchanged for as

fervent a desire of serving Him, of causing Him to be praised, and of

helping others to the utmost of their power. Not only have they ceased to

long for death, but they wish for a long life and most heavy crosses, if

such would bring ever so little honour to our Lord. Thus, if they knew for

certain that immediately on quitting their bodies their souls would enjoy

God, it would make no difference to them, nor do they think of the glory

enjoyed by the saints, and long to share it. Such souls hold that their

glory consists in helping, in any way, Him Who was crucified, especially as

they see how men offend against Him, and how few, detached from all else,

care for His honour alone. True, people in this state forget this at times,

and are seized with tender longings to enjoy God and to leave this land of

exile, especially as they see how little they serve Him. Then, returning to

themselves and reflecting how they possess Him continually in their souls,

they are satisfied, offering to His Majesty their willingness to live as the

most costly oblation they can make. [425]

They fear death no more than they would a delicious trance.

[6. The fact is, that He Who gave them these torturing desires of death has

exchanged them for the others. May He be for ever blessed and praised! Amen.

In fact, such persons no longer wish for consolations nor delights, since

they bear God Himself within them, and it is He Who lives in them. It is

evident that His life was one continual torment: so would He have ours to

be, at least in desire, for as to the rest He leads us mercifully as our

weakness requires, though when He sees the need He imparts to us His


7. Such a soul, thoroughly detached from all things, wishes to be either

always alone or occupied on what benefits the souls of others: she feels

neither aridity nor any interior troubles, but a constant tender

recollection of our Lord Whom she wishes to praise unceasingly. When she

grows negligent, the same Lord arouses her in the way that I told you, and

it is easy to see that this impulse (I know not what term to use for it)

comes from the interior of the soul, like the former impetuous desires.

[426] It is now felt very sweetly, but is neither produced by the

intellect nor the memory, nor is there reason to believe the soul itself has

any share in it. This is so usual and so frequent that whoever has been in

this state must have noticed it. However large a fire may be, the flame

never burns downwards, but upwards, and so this movement is seen to come

from the centre of the soul whose powers it excites. Indeed, were nothing

else gained by this way of prayer but the knowledge of the special care God

takes to communicate Himself to us and how He entreats us to abide with Him

(for indeed I can describe it in no other way) I think that for the sake of

these sweet and penetrating touches of His love all our past pains would be

well spent.

8. You will have learnt this by experience, sisters, for I think that when

our Lord has brought us to the prayer of union, He watches over us in this

way unless we neglect to keep His commandments. When these impulses are

given you, remember that they come from the innermost mansion, where God

dwells in our souls. Praise Him fervently, for it is He Who sends you this

message, or love letter, so tenderly written, and in a cipher that only you

can understand and know what He asks. By no means neglect to answer His

Majesty, even though you may be occupied exteriorly and engaged in

conversation. Our Lord may often be pleased to show you this secret favour

in public; but it is very easy, as the reply should be entirely interior, to

respond by an at of love or to ask with Saint Paul: 'Lord, what wilt Thou

have me to do?» [427] Jesus will show you in many ways how to please Him.

It is a propitious moment, for He seems to be listening to us and the soul

is nearly always disposed by this delicate touch to respond with a generous

determination. [428] As I told you, this mansion differs from the rest in

that, as I said, [429] the dryness and disturbance felt in all the rest at

times hardly ever enter here, where the soul is nearly always calm. It does

not fear that this sublime favour can be counterfeited by the devil, but

feels a settled conviction that it is of divine origin because, as above

stated, nothing is here perceived by the senses or faculties but His Majesty

reveals Himself to the spirit, which He takes to be with Himself in a place

where I doubt not the devil dares not enter, nor would our Lord ever permit


9. All the graces here divinely bestowed on the soul come, as I said,

through no a Lion of its own except its total abandonment of itself to God.

They are given in peace and silence, like the building of Solomon's Temple

where no sound was heard. [430] It is thus with this temple of God, this

mansion of His where He and the soul rejoice in each other alone in profound

silence. The mind need not act nor search for anything, as the Lord Who

created it wishes it to be at rest and only to watch through a little chink,

what passes within. Though at times it cannot see this, yet such intervals

are very short, I believe because the powers are not here lost but only

cease to work, being, as it were, dazed with astonishment.

10. I, too, am astonished at seeing that when the soul arrives at this state

it does not go into ecstasies except perhaps on rare occasions--even then

they are not like the former trances and the flight of the spirit and seldom

take place in public as they did before. [431] They are no longer produced

by any special calls to devotion, such as by the sight of a religious

picture, by hearing a sermon (were it only the first few words), or by

sacred music; formerly, like the poor little butterfly, the soul was so

anxious that anything used to alarm it and make it take flight. This may be

either because the spirit has at last found repose, or that it has seen such

wonders in this mansion that nothing can frighten it, or perhaps because it

no longer feels solitary since it rejoices in such Company.

11. In short, sisters, I cannot tell the reason, but as soon as God shows

the soul what this mansion contains, bringing it to dwell within the

precincts, the infirmity formerly so troublesome to the mind and impossible

to get over, disappears at once. Probably this is because our Lord has now

strengthened, dilated, and developed the soul, or it may be that He wished

to make public (for some end known only to Himself) what He was doing in

secret within such souls, for His judgments are beyond our comprehension in

this life.

12. These effects, with all the other good fruits I have mentioned of the

different degrees of prayer, are given by God to the soul when it draws near

Him to receive that 'kiss of His mouth' for which the bride asked, [432]

and I believe her petition is now granted. Here the overflowing waters are

given to the wounded hart: here she delights in the tabernacles of God [433]

: here the dove sent out by Noe to see whether the flood had subsided, has

plucked the olive branch, showing that she has found firm land amongst the

floods and tempests of this world. [434] O Jesus! Who knows how much in

Holy Scripture refers to this peace of soul? Since, O my God, Thou dost see

of what grave import is this peace to us, do Thou incite Christians to

strive to gain it! In Thy mercy do not deprive those of it on whom Thou hast

bestowed it, for until Thou hast given them true peace and brought them to

where it is unending, they must ever live in fear.

13. I do not mean that peace is unreal on earth because I say 'true

peace,' but that such souls might have to begin all their struggles over

again if they forsook God. What must these people feel at the thought that

it is possible to lose so great a good? Their dread makes them more careful;

they try to gather strength from their weakness lest, through their own

fault, they should miss any opportunity of pleasing God better. The greater

the favours they have received from His Majesty, the more diffident and

mistrustful are they of themselves; the marvels they have witnessed having

revealed more clearly to them their own miseries and the heinousness of

their sins, so that often, like the publican, they dare not so much as lift

up their eyes. [435]

14. Sometimes they long to die and be in safety, but then their love at once

makes them wish to live in order to serve God, as I told you; therefore they

commit all that concerns them to His mercy. [436] At times they are more

crushed than ever by the thought of the many graces they have received lest,

like an overladen ship, they sink beneath the burden. I assure you, sisters,

such souls have their cross to bear, yet it does not trouble them nor rob

them of their peace, but is quickly gone like a wave or a storm which is

followed by a calm, for God's presence within them soon makes them forget

all else. May He be for ever blessed and praised by all His creatures! Amen,


[420] Gal. ii. 20.

[421] Castle, M. vii. ch. i. 11 and 15.

[422] Castle, M. vii. ch. ii. 1. Compare the references there given.

[423] Don Alvaro de Mendoza, Bishop of Avila, used to say that the best

means of obtaining St. Teresa's friendship was to injure or insult her, Acta

Ss. n, 1233. Rel. vii. 20.

[424] Rel. viii. 15.

[425] Compare with the Saint's poem on self-oblation: 'Vuestro soy, para Vos

naci' (Poem i. Minor Works).

Long life bestow, or straightway let me die;

Let health be mine, or pain and sickness send;

Honour or foul dishonour--be my path

Beset by war or peaceful till the end.

My strength or weakness be as Thou dost choose,

Since naught Thou askest shall I e'er refuse.

Say, Lord, what is it Thou dost will for me?

[426] Castle, M. vi. ch. vi. 6.

[427] Acts ix. 6: 'Domine, quid me vis facere?''

[428] The words from 'know what He asks' to 'as I told you' are not in the

original manuscript, but must have been written on a separate slip, as is

proved by a marginal note in the handwriting of the Saint: 'Quando dice

aqui: os pide, l+¬ase luego este papel.' This paper is now lost, but the

passage it contained is preserved in the early manuscript copies of Toledo,

Cordova and Salamanca, as well as in the first printed edition, and, through

this, in the old translations; hence both Woodhead and Dalton have it in its

proper place. It is, of course, not to be found in the autograph published

in 1882, nor in Fuente's Spanish editions nor in translations based upon

these, The Spanish text will be found in +Æuvres vi, 297 note.

[429] Supra -º-º i and 2.

[430] III Reg. vi. 7.

[431] 'That is, so as to lose the senses' (marginal note in the Saints'

handwriting). Rel. iii. 5.

[432] Cant. i. I.

[433] Ps. xli, 2, 5.

[434] Gen. viii. 10, 11.

[435] St. Luke. xviii. 13.

[436] Rel. ix. 19.
