The Instructions of Commodianus.

 The Instructions of Commodianus

 II.—God’s Indignation.

 III.—The Worship of Demons.



 VI.—Of the Same Jupiter’s Thunderbolt.

 VII.—Of the Septizonium and the Stars.

 VIII.—Of the Sun and Moon.



 XI.—Apollo the Soothsaying and False.

 XII.—Father Liber—Bacchus.

 XIII.—The Unconquered One.



 XVI.—Of the Gods and Goddesses.

 XVII.—Of Their Images.

 XVIII.—Of Ammydates and the Great God.

 XIX.—Of the Vain Nemesiaci.

 XX.—The Titans.

 XXI.—The Montesiani.

 XXII.—The Dulness of the Age.

 XXIII.—Of Those Who are Everywhere Ready.

 XXIV.—Of Those Who Live Between the Two.

 XXV.—They Who Fear and Will Not Believe.

 XXVI.—To Those Who Resist the Law of Christ the Living God.

 XXVII.—O Fool, Thou Dost Not Die to God.

 XXVIII.—The Righteous Rise Again.

 XXIX.—To the Wicked and Unbelieving Rich Man.

 XXX.—Rich Men, Be Humble.

 XXXI.—To Judges.

 XXXII.—To Self-Pleasers.

 XXXIII.—To the Gentiles.

 XXXIV.—Moreover, to Ignorant Gentiles.

 XXXV.—Of the Tree of Life and Death.

 XXXVI.—Of the Foolishness of the Cross.

 XXXVII.—The Fanatics Who Judaize.

 XXXVIII.—To the Jews.

 XXXIX.—Also to the Jews.

 XL.—Again to the Same.

 Isaiah said:  This is the man who moveth the world and so many kings, and under whom the land shall become desert.  Hear ye how the prophet foretold c

 XLII.—Of the Hidden and Holy People of the Almighty Christ, the Living God.

 XLIII.—Of the End of This Age.

 XLIV.—Of the First Resurrection.

 XLV.—Of the Day of Judgment.

 XLVI.—To Catechumens.

 XLVII.—To the Faithful.

 XLVIII.—O Faithful, Beware of Evil.

 XLIX.—To Penitents.

 L.—Who Have Apostatized from God.

 LI.—Of Infants.


 LIII.—To the Soldiers of Christ.

 LIV.—Of Fugitives.

 LV.—Of the Seed of the Tares.

 LVI.—To the Dissembler.

 LVII.—That Worldly Things are Absolutely to Be Avoided.

 LVIII.—That the Christian Should Be Such.

 LIX.—To the Matrons of the Church of the Living God.

 LX.—To the Same Again.

 LXI.—In the Church to All the People of God.

 LXII.—To Him Who Wishes for Martyrdom.

 LXIII.—The Daily War.

 LXIV.—Of the Zeal of Concupiscence.

 LXV.—They Who Give from Evil.

 LXVI.—Of a Deceitful Peace.

 LXVII.—To Readers. I warn certain readers only to consider, and to give material to others by an example of life, to avoid strife, and to shun so many

 LXVIII.—To Ministers.

 LXIX.—To God’s Shepherds.

 LXX.—I Speak to the Elder-Born.

 LXXI.—To Visit the Sick.

 LXXII.—To the Poor in Health.

 LXXIII.—That Sons are Not to Be Bewailed.

 LXXIV.—Of Funeral Pomp.

 LXXV.—To the Clerks.

 LXXVI.—Of Those Who Gossip, and of Silence.

 LXXVII.—To the Drunkards.

 LXXVIII.—To the Pastors.

 LXXIX.—To the Petitioners.

 LXXX.—The Name of the Man of Gaza.

LIII.—To the Soldiers of Christ.

When thou hast given thy name to the warfare, thou art held by a bridle.  Therefore begin thou to put away thy former doings.  Shun luxuries, since labour is threatening arms.  With all thy virtue thou must obey the king’s command, if thou wishest to attain the last times in gladness.  He is a good soldier, always wait for things to be enjoyed.  Be unwilling to flatter thyself; absolutely put away sloth, that thou mayest daily be ready for what is set before thee.  Be careful beforehand; in the morning revisit the standards.  When thou seest the war, take the nearest contest.  This is the king’s glory, to see the soldiery prepared.  The king is present; desire that ye may fight beyond his hope.  He makes ready gifts.  He gladly looks for the victory, and assigns you to be a fit follower.  Do thou be unwilling to spare thyself besides for Belial; be thou rather diligent, that he may give fame for your death.


Militiae nomen cum dederis, freno teneris. Incipe tunc ergo dimittere pristina gesta: Luxurias vita, quoniam labor imminet armis. Imperio regis omni virtute parendum, Tempora postrema si vis pertingere laeta. Ille bonus miles, semper exspecta fruenda; 0241B Blandire noli tibi, desidias omnino mitte, Ut tuo praeposito cottidie praesto sis, ante Solicitus esto, matutinus signa revise. Cum videris bellum, agonia sume propinqua. 0242A Haec gloria regis, militem videre paratum; Rex adest, optato propter spem dominicaturum. Ille parat dona, ille pro victoria laetus Suspicit, et proprium satellem dedicat esse. Tu tibi praeterea in Belian parcere noli: Impiger esto magis, ut reddat famam pro morte.