
 Prefecture Apostolic of Kafiristan and Kashmir


 Johann Matthias Kager

 Kajetan Georg von Kaiser


 Prefecture Apostolic of Kaiserwilhelmsland

 Kalands Brethren

 Jan Stephanus van Kalcker

 Valerian Kalinka

 Kalispel Indians

 Archdiocese of Kalocsa-Bacs

 Vicariate Apostolic of Kamerun

 Diocese of Kandy


 Diocese of Kansas City

 Prefecture Apostolic of Southern Kan-su

 Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Kan-su

 Philosophy of Kant


 Stanislaw Karnkowski

 Kaskaskia Indians

 Prefecture Apostolic of Upper Kassai

 Angelica Kauffmann


 Franz Philip Kaulen

 Wenzel Anton Kaunitz

 Edward Kavanagh

 Julia Kavanagh

 Joseph Kehrein

 Jacob Keller

 Lorenz Kellner

 Book of Kells

 School of Kells

 Ven. John Kemble

 John Kemp

 Vicariate Apostolic of Kenia

 James Kennedy



 Francis Patrick and Peter Richard Kenrick

 St. Kentigern


 Miles Gerald Keon

 Diocese of Kerkuk

 Francis Kernan

 Diocese of Kerry and Aghadoe

 Hermann von Kerssenbroch

 Joseph-Marie-Bruno-Constantin Kervyn de Lettenhove

 Matthias Kessels

 Wilhelm Emmanuel, Baron von Ketteler

 Erasmus Darwin Keyes

 Power of the Keys


 Vicariate Apostolic of Kiang-nan

 Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Kiang-si

 Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Kiang-si

 Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Kiang-si

 Kickapoo Indians

 Diocese of Kielce

 Sts. Kieran

 School of Kildare

 Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin

 St. Kilian

 Diocese of Killala

 Diocese of Killaloe

 Diocese of Kilmore

 Robert Kilwardby

 Benedictine Abbey of Kilwinning

 Vicariate Apostolic of Kimberley

 Vicariate of Kimberley in Orange

 Kingdom of God


 First and Second Books of Kings

 Third and Fourth Books of Kings

 Archdiocese of Kingston


 Eusebius Kino

 Kiowa Indians

 Athanasius Kircher




 Julian Klaczko

 Heinrich Klee

 Melchior Klesl

 Josef Wilhelm Karl Kleutgen


 Onno Klopp

 Joseph Knabl

 Sebastian Kneipp

 Ven. William Knight

 Henry Knighton

 Knights of Columbus

 Knights of the Cross

 Ignatius Knoblecher

 Albert (Joseph) Knoll


 Knowledge of Jesus Christ


 John Knox

 Franz Quirin von Kober

 Anthony Koberger

 Andreas Kobler

 Jan Kochanowski

 Vespasian Kochowski

 Ignaz Kögler

 Anthony Kohlmann

 Marian Wolfgang Koller

 Stanislaus Konarski

 Joseph König

 Diocese of Königgrätz

 Jacob Königshofen

 Anthony Konings


 Konrad of Lichtenau

 Konrad of Megenberg

 Konrad of Würzburg

 Ferdinand Konsag


 Tadeusz Kosciuszko

 Stanislaus and John Kozmian

 Adam Krafft


 John Krämer

 Ignatius Krasicki

 Sigismund Krasinski

 Franz Xaver Kraus

 Karl Kreil

 William Kreiten


 Diocese of Krishnagar

 Martin Kromer

 Andrew Krzycki

 Johannes von Kuhn


 Diocese of Kumbakonam

 Kutenai Indians

 Prefecture Apostolic of Kwango

 Prefecture Apostolic of Kwang-si

 Prefecture Apostolic of Kwang-tung

 Vicariate Apostolic of Kwei-chou

 Kyrie Eleison

Kingdom of God

(In Matthew, generally, Kingdom of Heaven).

In this expression the innermost teaching of the Old Testament is summed up, but it should be noted that the word kingdom means ruling as well; thus it signifies not so much the actual kingdom as the sway of the king — cf. Dan., iv, 28-29. The Greek basileia of the New Testament also has these two meanings — cf. Aristotle, "Pol.", II, xi, 10; II, xiv; IV, xiii, 10. We find the theocracy sketched in Ex., xix, 6; in the establishment of the kingdom, I Kings, viii, 7: "They have not rejected thee, but me, that I should not reign over them." Still more clearly is it indicated in the promise of the theocratic kingdom, II Kings, vii, 14-16. It is God Who rules in the theocratic king and Who will avenge any neglect on his part. All through the Psalter this same thought is found; cf. Ps. x, 5; it is constantly insisted that God's throne is in heaven and that there is His kingdom; this may explain St. Matthew's preference for the expression "kingdom of heaven", as being more familiar to the Hebrews for whom he wrote. The Prophets dwell on the thought that God is the Supreme King and that by Him alone all kings rule; cf. Isaias, xxxvii, 16, 20. And when the temporal monarchy has failed, this same thought of God's ultimate rule over His people is brought into clearer relief till it culminates in the grand prophecy of Dan., vii, 13 sq., to which the thoughts of Christ's hearers must have turned when they heard Him speak of His kingdom. In that vision the power of ruling over all the forces of evil as symbolized by the four beasts which are the four kingdoms is given to "one like the son of man". At the same time we catch a glimpse in the apocryphal Psalms of Solomon of the way in which, side by side with the truth, there grew up among the carnal-minded the idea of a temporal sovereignty of the Messias, an idea, which was (Luke, xix, 11; Matt., xviii, 1; Acts, I, 6) to exercise so baneful an influence on subsequent generations; cf. especially Ps. Sol., xvii, 23-28, where God is besought to raise up the King, the Son of David, to crush the nations and purify Jerusalem, etc. In the Greek Book of Wisdom, however, we find the most perfect realization of what was truly implied by this "rule" of God — "She [Wisdom] led the just man through direct paths and shewed him the kingdom of God", i.e. in what that kingdom consisted.

In the New Testament the speedy advent of this kingdom is the one theme: "Do penance: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand", said the Baptist, and Christ's opening words to the people do but repeat that message. At every stage in His teaching the advent of this kingdom, its various aspects, its precise meaning, the way in which it is to be attained, form the staple of His discourses, so much so that His discourse is called "the gospel of the kingdom". And the various shades of meaning which the expression bears have to be studied. In the mouth of Christ the "kingdom" means not so much a goal to be attained or a place — though those meanings are by no means excluded; cf. Matt., v, 3; xi, 2, etc. — it is rather a tone of mind (Luke, xvii, 20-21), it stands for an influence which must permeate men's minds if they would be one with Him and attain to His ideals; cf. Luke, ix, 55. It is only by realizing these shades of meaning that we can do justice to the parables of the kingdom with their endless variety. At one time the "kingdom" means the sway of grace in men's hearts, e.g. in the parable of the seed growing secretly (Mark, iv, 26 sq.; cf. Matt., xxi, 43); and thus, too, it is opposed to and explained by the opposite kingdom of the devil (Matt., iv, 8; xii, 25-26). At another time it is the goal at which we have to aim, e.g. Matt., iii, 3. Again it is a place where God is pictured as reigning (Mark, xiv, 25). In the second petition of the "Our Father" — "Thy kingdom come" — we are taught to pray as well for grace as for glory. As men grew to understand the Divinity of Christ they grew to see that the kingdom of God was also that of Christ — it was here that the faith of the good thief excelled: "Lord, remember me when thou shalt come into thy kingdom." So, too, as men realized that this kingdom stood for a certain tone of mind, and saw that this peculiar spirit was enshrined in the Church, they began to speak of the Church as "the kingdom of God"; cf. Col., I, 13; I Thess., ii, 12; Apoc., I, 6, 9; v, 10, etc. The kingdom was regarded as Christ's and He presents it to the Father; cf. I Cor., xv, 23-28; II Tim., iv, 1. The kingdom of god means, then, the ruling of God in our hearts; it means those principles which separate us off from the kingdom of the world and the devil; it means the benign sway of grace; it means the Church as that Divine institution whereby we may make sure of attaining the spirit of Christ and so win that ultimate kingdom of God Where He reigns without end in "the holy city, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God" (Apoc., xxi, 2).

MAURICE, The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven (London, 1888); SCHURER, The Jewish People in the Time of Christ, div. II, vol. II; WEISS, Apoligie du Christianisme, II and X; and especially ROSE, Etudes sur les Evangiles (Paris, 1902).