On the Incarnation of the Word.

 On the Incarnation of the Word.

 §2. Erroneous views of Creation rejected. (1) Epicurean (fortuitous generation). But diversity of bodies and parts argues a creating intellect. (2.) P

 §3. The true doctrine. Creation out of nothing, of God’s lavish bounty of being. Man created above the rest, but incapable of independent perseverance

 §4. Our creation and God’s Incarnation most intimately connected. As by the Word man was called from non-existence into being, and further received th

 §5. For God has not only made us out of nothing but He gave us freely, by the Grace of the Word, a life in correspondence with God. But men, having r

 §6. The human race then was wasting, God’s image was being effaced, and His work ruined. Either, then, God must forego His spoken word by which man ha

 §7. On the other hand there was the consistency of God’s nature, not to be sacrificed for our profit. Were men, then, to be called upon to repent? But

 §8. The Word, then, visited that earth in which He was yet always present and saw all these evils. He takes a body of our Nature, and that of a spot

 §9. The Word, since death alone could stay the plague, took a mortal body which, united with Him, should avail for all, and by partaking of His immort

 § 10. By a like simile, the reasonableness of the work of redemption is shewn. How Christ wiped away our ruin, and provided its antidote by His own te

 §11. Second reason for the Incarnation. God, knowing that man was not by nature sufficient to know Him, gave him, in order that he might have some pro

 §12. For though man was created in grace, God, foreseeing his forgetfulness, provided also the works of creation to remind man of him. Yet further, He

 § 13. Here again, was God to keep silence? to allow to false gods the worship He made us to render to Himself? A king whose subjects had revolted woul

 §14. A portrait once effaced must be restored from the original. Thus the Son of the Father came to seek, save, and regenerate. No other way was possi

 §15. Thus the Word condescended to man’s engrossment in corporeal things, by even taking a body. All man’s superstitions He met halfway whether men w

 §16. He came then to attract man’s sense-bound attention to Himself as man, and so to lead him on to know Him as God.

 §17. How the Incarnation did not limit the ubiquity of the Word, nor diminish His Purity. (Simile of the Sun.)

 § 18. How the Word and Power of God works in His human actions: by casting out devils, by Miracles, by His Birth of the Virgin.

 §19. Man, unmoved by nature, was to be taught to know God by that sacred Manhood, Whose deity all nature confessed, especially in His Death.

 §20. None, then, could bestow incorruption, but He Who had made, none restore the likeness of God, save His Own Image, none quicken, but the Life, non

 §21. Death brought to nought by the death of Christ. Why then did not Christ die privately, or in a more honourable way? He was not subject to natural

 §22. But why did He not withdraw His body from the Jews, and so guard its immortality? (1) It became Him not to inflict death on Himself, and yet not

 §23. Necessity of a public death for the doctrine of the Resurrection.

 §24. Further objections anticipated. He did not choose His manner of death for He was to prove Conqueror of death in all or any of its forms: (simile

 §25. Why the Cross, of all deaths? (1) He had to bear the curse for us. (2) On it He held out His hands to unite all, Jews and Gentiles, in Himself. (

 §26. Reasons for His rising on the Third Day. (1) Not sooner for else His real death would be denied, nor (2) later to (a) guard the identity of His

 §27. The change wrought by the Cross in the relation of Death to Man.

 §28. This exceptional fact must be tested by experience. Let those who doubt it become Christians.

 §29. Here then are wonderful effects, and a sufficient cause, the Cross, to account for them, as sunrise accounts for daylight.

 §30. The reality of the resurrection proved by facts: (1) the victory over death described above: (2) the Wonders of Grace are the work of One Living,

 §31. If Power is the sign of life, what do we learn from the impotence of idols, for good or evil, and the constraining power of Christ and of the Sig

 §32. But who is to see Him risen, so as to believe? Nay, God is ever invisible and known by His works only: and here the works cry out in proof. If yo

 §33. Unbelief of Jews and scoffing of Greeks. The former confounded by their own Scriptures. Prophecies of His coming as God and as Man.

 §34. Prophecies of His passion and death in all its circumstances.

 §35. Prophecies of the Cross. How these prophecies are satisfied in Christ alone.

 §36. Prophecies of Christ’s sovereignty, flight into Egypt, &c.

 §37. Psalm xxii. 16 , &c. Majesty of His birth and death. Confusion of oracles and demons in Egypt.

 §38. Other clear prophecies of the coming of God in the flesh. Christ’s miracles unprecedented.

 §39. Do you look for another? But Daniel foretells the exact time. Objections to this removed.

 §40. Argument (1) from the withdrawal of prophecy and destruction of Jerusalem, (2) from the conversion of the Gentiles, and that to the God of Moses.

 §41. Answer to the Greeks. Do they recognise the Logos? If He manifests Himself in the organism of the Universe, why not in one Body? for a human body

 §42. His union with the body is based upon His relation to Creation as a whole. He used a human body, since to man it was that He wished to reveal Him

 §43. He came in human rather than in any nobler form, because (I) He came to save, not to impress (2) man alone of creatures had sinned. As men woul

 §44. As God made man by a word, why not restore him by a word? But (1) creation out of nothing is different from reparation of what already exists. (2

 §45. Thus once again every part of creation manifests the glory of God. Nature, the witness to her Creator, yields (by miracles) a second testimony to

 §46. Discredit, from the date of the Incarnation, of idol-cultus, oracles, mythologies, demoniacal energy, magic, and Gentile philosophy. And whereas

 §47. The numerous oracles,—fancied apparitions in sacred places, &c., dispelled by the sign of the Cross. The old gods prove to have been mere men. Ma

 §48. Further facts. Christian continence of virgins and ascetics. Martyrs. The power of the Cross against demons and magic. Christ by His Power shews

 §49. His Birth and Miracles. You call Asclepius, Heracles, and Dionysus gods for their works. Contrast their works with His, and the wonders at His de

 §50. Impotence and rivalries of the Sophists put to shame by the Death of Christ. His Resurrection unparalleled even in Greek legend.

 §51. The new virtue of continence. Revolution of Society, purified and pacified by Christianity.

 §52. Wars, &c., roused by demons, lulled by Christianity.

 §53. The whole fabric of Gentilism levelled at a blow by Christ secretly addressing the conscience of Man.

 §54. The Word Incarnate, as is the case with the Invisible God, is known to us by His works. By them we recognise His deifying mission. Let us be cont

 §55. Summary of foregoing. Cessation of pagan oracles, &c.: propagation of the faith. The true King has come forth and silenced all usurpers.

 §56. Search then, the Scriptures, if you can, and so fill up this sketch. Learn to look for the Second Advent and Judgment.

 §57. Above all, so live that you may have the right to eat of this tree of knowledge and life, and so come to eternal joys. Doxology.

§50. Impotence and rivalries of the Sophists put to shame by the Death of Christ. His Resurrection unparalleled even in Greek legend.

Many before this Man have been kings and tyrants of the world, many are on record who have been wise men and magicians, among the Chaldæans and Egyptians and Indians; which of these, I say, not after death, but while still alive, was ever able so far to prevail as to fill the whole earth with his teaching and reform so great a multitude from the superstition of idols, as our Saviour has brought over from idols to Himself? 2. The philosophers of the Greeks have composed many works with plausibility and verbal skill; what result, then, have they exhibited so great as has the Cross of Christ? For the refinements they taught were plausible enough till they died; but even the influence they seemed to have while alive was subject to their mutual rivalries; and they were emulous, and declaimed against one another. 3. But the Word of God, most strange fact, teaching in meaner language, has cast into the shade the choice sophists; and while He has, by drawing all to Himself, brought their schools to nought, He has filled His own churches; and the marvellous thing is, that by going down as man to death, He has brought to nought the sounding utterances of the wise151    e.g. Iamblichus, &c., cf. Introd. to c. Gent. concerning idols. 4. For whose death ever drove out demons? or whose death did demons ever fear, as they did that of Christ? For where the Saviour’s name is named, there every demon is driven out. Or who has so rid men of the passions of the natural man, that whoremongers are chaste, and murderers no longer hold the sword, and those who were formerly mastered by cowardice play the man? 5. And, in short, who persuaded men of barbarous countries and heathen men in divers places to lay aside their madness, and to mind peace, if it be not the Faith of Christ and the Sign of the Cross? Or who else has given men such assurance of immortality, as has the Cross of Christ, and the Resurrection of His Body? 6. For although the Greeks have told all manner of false tales, yet they were not able to feign a Resurrection of their idols,—for it never crossed their mind, whether it be at all possible for the body again to exist after death. And here one would most especially accept their testimony, inasmuch as by this opinion they have exposed the weakness of their own idolatry, while leaving the possibility open to Christ, so that hence also He might be made known among all as Son of God.

Πολλοὶ πρὸ τούτου γεγόνασι βασιλεῖς καὶ τύραννοι γῆς, πολλοὶ παρὰ Χαλδαίοις ἱστοροῦνται καὶ παρ' Αἰγυπτίοις καὶ Ἰνδοῖς γενόμενοι σοφοὶ καὶ μάγοι· τίς τούτων ποτέ, οὐ λέγω μετὰ θάνατον, ἀλλὰ καὶ ἔτι ζῶν ἠδυνήθη τοσοῦτον ἰσχῦσαι, ὥστε τὴν σύμπασαν αὐτὸν γῆν πληρῶσαι τῆς αὐτοῦ διδασκαλίας, καὶ τοσοῦτον πλῆθος παιδεῦσαι ἀπὸ τῆς τῶν εἰδώλων δεισιδαιμονίας, ὅσους ὁ ἡμέτερος Σωτὴρ εἰς ἑαυτὸν ἀπὸ τῶν εἰδώλων μετή νεγκεν; Ἑλλήνων οἱ φιλόσοφοι μετὰ πιθανότητος καὶ τέχνης λόγων πολλὰ συνέγραψαν· τί οὖν τοσοῦτον ὅσον ὁ τοῦ Χριστοῦ σταυρὸς ἐπεδείξαντο; Ἄχρι γὰρ τελευτῆς αὐτῶν τὰ παρ' αὐτῶν σοφίσματα τὸ πιθανὸν ἔσχεν· ἀλλὰ καὶ ὃ ἔδοξαν ζῶντες ἰσχύειν ἐν ἀλλήλοις ἔσχον τὴν ἅμιλλαν, καὶ κατ' ἀλλήλων μελετῶντες ἐφιλονείκουν. Ὁ δὲ τοῦ Θεοῦ Λόγος, τὸ παραδοξότατον, πτωχοτέραις ταῖς λέξεσι διδάξας, τοὺς πάνυ σοφιστὰς ἐπεσκίασε, καὶ τὰς μὲν ἐκείνων διδασκαλίας κατήργησε, πάντας ἕλκων πρὸς ἑαυτόν, τὰς δὲ ἑαυτοῦ ἐκκλησίας πεπλήρωκε· καὶ τό γε θαυμαστόν, ὅτι ὡς ἄνθρωπος εἰς τὸν θάνατον καταβάς, τὴν τῶν σοφῶν μεγαλοφωνίαν περὶ εἰδώλων κατήργησε. Τίνος γάρ ποτε θάνατος ἀπήλασε δαίμονας; ἢ τίνος ποτὲ θάνατον ἐφοβήθησαν δαίμονες ὡς τὸν Χριστοῦ; Ἔνθα γὰρ ὀνομάζεται τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ Σωτῆρος, ἐκεῖθεν πᾶς δαίμων ἀπελαύνεται. Τίς δὲ οὕτως τὰ ψυχικὰ πάθη περιεῖλε τῶν ἀνθρώπων, ὥστε τοὺς μὲν πόρνους σωφρονεῖν, τοὺς δὲ ἀνδροφόνους μηκέτι ξίφος κρατεῖν, τοὺς δὲ δειλίᾳ προκατεχομένους ἀνδρίζεσθαι; Καὶ ὅλως, τίς τοὺς παρὰ βαρβάροις καὶ τοὺς κατὰ τόπον τῶν ἐθνῶν ἀνθρώπους ἔπεισεν ἀποθέσθαι μὲν τὴν μανίαν, εἰρηναῖα δὲ φρονεῖν, εἰ μὴ ἡ τοῦ Χριστοῦ πίστις, καὶ τὸ τοῦ σταυροῦ σημεῖον; Τίς δὲ ἄλλος περὶ ἀθανασίας οὕτως ἐπιστώσατο τοὺς ἀνθρώπους, ὡς ὁ τοῦ Χριστοῦ σταυρός, καὶ ἡ τοῦ σώματος ἀνάστασις αὐτοῦ; Καίπερ γὰρ πάντα ψευσάμενοι Ἕλληνες, ὅμως οὐκ ἠδυνήθησαν ἀνάστασιν τῶν ἑαυτῶν εἰδώλων πλάσασθαι, οὐκ ἐνθυμούμενοι τὸ σύνολον, εἰ ὅλως δυνατὸν μετὰ θάνατον εἶναι πάλιν τὸ σῶμα· ἐφ' ᾧ καὶ μάλιστα ἄν τις αὐτοὺς ἀποδέξηται, ὅτι τοιαῦτα λογισάμενοι τὴν μὲν ἀσθένειαν τῆς ἑαυτῶν εἰδωλολατρίας ἤλεγξαν, τὸ δὲ δυνατὸν τῷ Χριστῷ παρεχώρησαν, ἵνα καὶ ἐκ τούτου γνωσθῇ παρὰ πᾶσι τοῦ Θεοῦ Υἱός.