The Canons of the Council in Trullo.

 The Canons of the Council in Trullo.

 Canon II.

 Canon III.

 Canon IV.

 Canon V.

 Canon VI.

 Excursus on the Marriage of the Clergy.

 Canon VII.

 Canon VIII.

 Canon IX.

 Canon X.

 Canon XI.

 Canon XII.

 Canon XIII.

 Canon XIV.

 Canon XV.

 Canon XVI.

 Canon XVII.

 Canon XVIII.

 Canon XIX.

 Canon XX.

 Canon XXI.

 Canon XXII.

 Canon XXIII.

 Canon XXIV.

 Canon XXV.

 Canon XXVI.

 Canon XXVII.

 Canon XXVIII.

 Canon XXIX.

 Canon XXX.

 Canon XXXI.

 Canon XXXII.

 Canon XXXIII.

 Canon XXXIV.

 Canon XXXV.

 Canon XXXVI.

 Canon XXXVII.


 Canon XXXIX.

 Canon XL.

 Canon XLI.

 Canon XLII.

 Canon XLIII.

 Canon XLIV.

 Canon XLV.

 Canon XLVI.

 Canon XLVII.

 Canon XLVIII.

 Canon XLIX.

 Canon L.

 Canon LI.

 Canon LII.

 Canon LIII.

 Canon LIV.

 Canon LV.

 Canon LVI.

 Canon LVII.

 Canon LVIII.

 Canon LIX.

 Canon LX.

 Canon LXI.

 Canon LXII.

 Canon LXIII.

 Canon LXIV.

 Canon LXV.

 Canon LXVI.

 Canon LXVII.

 Canon LXVIII.

 Canon LXIX.

 Canon LXX.

 Canon LXXI.

 Canon LXXII.

 Canon LXXIII.

 Canon LXXIV.

 Canon LXXV.

 Canon LXXVI.

 Canon LXXVII.


 Canon LXXIX.

 Canon LXXX.

 Canon LXXXI.

 Canon LXXXII.


 Canon LXXXIV.

 Canon LXXXV.

 Canon LXXXVI.



 Canon LXXXIX.

 Canon XC.

 Canon XCI.

 Canon XCII.

 Canon XCIII.

 Canon XCIV.

 Canon XCV.

 Canon XCVI.

 Canon XCVII.

 Canon XCVIII.

 Canon XCIX.

 Canon C.

 Canon CI.

 Canon CII.

Canon LI.

This holy and ecumenical synod altogether forbids those who are called “players,” and their “spectacles,” as well as the exhibition of hunts, and the theatrical dances. If any one despises the present canon, and gives himself to any of the things which are forbidden, if he be a cleric he shall be deposed, but if a layman let him be cut off.


Ancient Epitome of Canon LI.

Whose shall play as an actor or shall attend theatrical representations or hunts shall be cut off. Should he be a cleric he shall be deposed.


Some one will enquire why canon xxiiij. decrees that those in holy orders and monks, who are constantly attending horse-races, and scenic plays, are to cease or be deposed: but the present canon says without discrimination, that those who give themselves over to such things if clergymen are to be deposed, and if laymen to be cut off. The solution is this. It is one thing and more easily to be endured, that a man should be present at a horse-race, or be convicted of going to see a play; and another thing, and one that cannot be pardoned, that he should give himself over to such things, and to exercise this continually as his business. Wherefore those who have once sinned deliberately, are admonished to cease. If they are not willing to obey, they are to be deposed. But those who are constantly engaged in this wickedness, if they are clerics, they must be deposed from their clerical place, if laymen they must be cut off.