The Canons of the Council in Trullo.

 The Canons of the Council in Trullo.

 Canon II.

 Canon III.

 Canon IV.

 Canon V.

 Canon VI.

 Excursus on the Marriage of the Clergy.

 Canon VII.

 Canon VIII.

 Canon IX.

 Canon X.

 Canon XI.

 Canon XII.

 Canon XIII.

 Canon XIV.

 Canon XV.

 Canon XVI.

 Canon XVII.

 Canon XVIII.

 Canon XIX.

 Canon XX.

 Canon XXI.

 Canon XXII.

 Canon XXIII.

 Canon XXIV.

 Canon XXV.

 Canon XXVI.

 Canon XXVII.

 Canon XXVIII.

 Canon XXIX.

 Canon XXX.

 Canon XXXI.

 Canon XXXII.

 Canon XXXIII.

 Canon XXXIV.

 Canon XXXV.

 Canon XXXVI.

 Canon XXXVII.


 Canon XXXIX.

 Canon XL.

 Canon XLI.

 Canon XLII.

 Canon XLIII.

 Canon XLIV.

 Canon XLV.

 Canon XLVI.

 Canon XLVII.

 Canon XLVIII.

 Canon XLIX.

 Canon L.

 Canon LI.

 Canon LII.

 Canon LIII.

 Canon LIV.

 Canon LV.

 Canon LVI.

 Canon LVII.

 Canon LVIII.

 Canon LIX.

 Canon LX.

 Canon LXI.

 Canon LXII.

 Canon LXIII.

 Canon LXIV.

 Canon LXV.

 Canon LXVI.

 Canon LXVII.

 Canon LXVIII.

 Canon LXIX.

 Canon LXX.

 Canon LXXI.

 Canon LXXII.

 Canon LXXIII.

 Canon LXXIV.

 Canon LXXV.

 Canon LXXVI.

 Canon LXXVII.


 Canon LXXIX.

 Canon LXXX.

 Canon LXXXI.

 Canon LXXXII.


 Canon LXXXIV.

 Canon LXXXV.

 Canon LXXXVI.



 Canon LXXXIX.

 Canon XC.

 Canon XCI.

 Canon XCII.

 Canon XCIII.

 Canon XCIV.

 Canon XCV.

 Canon XCVI.

 Canon XCVII.

 Canon XCVIII.

 Canon XCIX.

 Canon C.

 Canon CI.

 Canon CII.

Canon XLIV.

A monk convicted of fornication, or who takes a wife for the communion of matrimony and for society, is to be subjected to the penalties of fornicators, according to the canons.


Ancient Epitome of Canon XLIV.

A monk joined in marriage or committing fornication shall pay the penalty of a fornicator.

The punishment here seems too light, so that Balsamon thinks that this canon only refers to such monks as freely confess their sin and desist from it, remaining in their monasteries; and that the sterner penalties assigned to unchaste religious by other synods (notably Chalcedon, can. xvj., and Ancyra, can. xix.) are for such as do not confess their faults but are after some time convicted of them.


The monk will receive the same punishment whether he be a fornicator or has joined himself with a woman for the communion of marriage.

Van Espen.

It is very likely from this canon that the Monastic vow at the time of this Synod was not yet an impedimentum dirimens of matrimony, for nothing is said about the dissolution of the marriage contracted by a monk although he had gravely sinned in violating his faith pledged to God.