The Epistles of Cyprian.

 The Epistles of Cyprian.

 From the Roman Clergy to the Carthaginian Clergy, About the Retirement of the Blessed Cyprian.

 Epistle III.

 To the Presbyters and Deacons.

 Epistle V.

 Epistle VI.

 To the Clergy, Concerning Prayer to God.

 To the Martyrs and Confessors.

 Epistle IX.

 To the Martyrs and Confessors Who Sought that Peace Should Be Granted to the Lapsed.

 Epistle XI.

 Epistle XII.

 To the Clergy, Concerning Those Who are in Haste to Receive Peace. a.d. 250.

 Epistle XIV.

 To Moyses and Maximus, and the Rest of the Confessors.

 The Confessors to Cyprian.

 To the Presbyters and Deacons About the Foregoing and the Following Letters.

 Epistle XVIII.

 Cyprian Replies to Caldonius.

 Epistle XX.

 Lucian Replies to Celerinus.

 To the Clergy Abiding at Rome, Concerning Many of the Confessors, and Concerning the Forwardness of Lucian and the Modesty of Celerinus the Confessor.

 To the Clergy, on the Letters Sent to Rome, and About the Appointment of Saturus as Reader, and Optatus as Sub-Deacon. a.d. 250.

 To Moyses and Maximus and the Rest of the Confessors.

 Moyses, Maximus, Nicostratus, and the Other Confessors Answer the Foregoing Letter. a.d. 250.

 Cyprian to the Lapsed.

 To the Presbyters and Deacons.

 To the Presbyters and Deacons Abiding at Rome.

 The Presbyters and Deacons Abiding at Rome, to Cyprian.

 The Roman Clergy to Cyprian.

 To the Carthaginian Clergy, About the Letters Sent to Rome, and Received Thence.

 To the Clergy and People, About the Ordination of Aurelius as a Reader.

 To the Clergy and People, About the Ordination of Celerinus as Reader.

 To the Same, About the Ordination of Numidicus as Presbyter.

 To the Clergy, Concerning the Care of the Poor and Strangers.

 To the Clergy, Bidding Them Show Every Kindness to the Confessors in Prison.

 To Caldonius, Herculanus, and Others, About the Excommunication of Felicissimus.

 The Letter of Caldonius, Herculanus, and Others, on the Excommunication of Felicissimus with His People.

 To the People, Concerning Five Schismatic Presbyters of the Faction of Felicissimus.

 Argument .—The Messengers Sent by Novatian to Intimate His Ordination to the Church of Carthage are Rejected by Cyprian.

 To Cornelius, About Cyprian’s Approval of His Ordination, and Concerning Felicissimus.

 To the Same, on His Having Sent Letters to the Confessors Whom Novatian Had Seduced.

 To the Roman Confessors, that They Should Return to Unity.

 To Cornelius, Concerning Polycarp the Adrumetine.

 Cornelius to Cyprian, on the Return of the Confessors to Unity.

 Cyprian’s Answer to Cornelius, Congratulating Him on the Return of the Confessors from Schism.

 Cornelius to Cyprian, Concerning the Faction of Novatian with His Party.

 Cyprian’s Answer to Cornelius, Concerning the Crimes of Novatus.

 Maximus and the Other Confessors to Cyprian, About Their Return from Schism.

 From Cyprian to the Confessors, Congratulating Them on Their Return from Schism.

 To Antonianus About Cornelius and Novatian.

 To Fortunatus and His Other Colleagues, Concerning Those Who Had Been Overcome by Tortures.

 To Cornelius, Concerning Granting Peace to the Lapsed.

 To Cornelius, Concerning Fortunatus and Felicissimus, or Against the Heretics.

 To the People of Thibaris, Exhorting to Martyrdom.

 To Cornelius in Exile, Concerning His Confession.

 Argument .—Cyprian, with His Colleagues, Congratulates Lucius on His Return from Exile, Reminding Him that Martyrdom Deferred Does Not Make the Glory

 To Fidus, on the Baptism of Infants.

 To the Numidian Bishops, on the Redemption of Their Brethren from Captivity Among the Barbarians.

 To Euchratius, About an Actor.

 To Pomponius, Concerning Some Virgins.

 Cæcilius, on the Sacrament of the Cup of the Lord.

 To Epictetus and to the Congregation of Assuræ, Concerning Fortunatianus, Formerly Their Bishop.

 To Rogatianus, Concerning the Deacon Who Contended Against the Bishop.

 To the Clergy and People Abiding at Furni, About Victor, Who Had Made the Presbyter Faustinus a Guardian.

 To Father Stephanus, Concerning Marcianus of Arles, Who Had Joined Himself to Novatian.

 To the Clergy and People Abiding in Spain, Concerning Basilides and Martial.

 To Florentius Pupianus, on Calumniators.

 To Januarius and Other Numidian Bishops, on Baptizing Heretics.

 To Quintus, Concerning the Baptism of Heretics.

 To Stephen, Concerning a Council.

 To Jubaianus, Concerning the Baptism of Heretics.

 To Pompey, Against the Epistle of Stephen About the Baptism of Heretics.

 Firmilian, Bishop of Cæsarea in Cappadocia, to Cyprian, Against the Letter of Stephen.  a.d. 256.

 To Magnus, on Baptizing the Novatians, and Those Who Obtain Grace on a Sick-Bed.

 Argument .—He Extols with Wonderful Commendations the Martyrs in the Mines, Opposing, in a Beautiful Antithesis, to the Tortures of Each, the Consolat

 The Reply of Nemesianus, Dativus, Felix, and Victor, to Cyprian.

 The Reply to the Same of Lucius and the Rest of the Martyrs.

 The Answer of Felix, Jader, Polianus, and the Rest of the Martyrs, to Cyprian.

 Cyprian to Sergius, Rogatianus, and the Other Confessors in Prison.

 To Successus on the Tidings Brought from Rome, Telling of the Persecution.

 To the Clergy and People Concerning His Retirement, a Little Before His Martyrdom.

 Not translated

 Not translated

 Not translated

Epistle LVII.512    Oxford ed.: Ep. lxi. a.d. 252.

To Lucius513    [Hi episcopate lasted not six months. See Eusebius, H. E., vii. 2. He seems to have suffered martyrdom by the sword.] The Bishop of Rome, Returned from Banishment.

Argument.—Cyprian, with His Colleagues, Congratulates Lucius on His Return from Exile, Reminding Him that Martyrdom Deferred Does Not Make the Glory Less. Then, Pointing Out that the Martyrdom of Cornelius and the Banishment of Lucius Had Happened by Divine Direction, for the Confusion of the Novatians, He Foretells to Him His Own Impending Martyrdom, God So Ordaining It that It Should Be Consummated Not Away from Home, But Among His Own People.

1. Cyprian, with his colleagues, to Lucius his brother, greeting. We had lately also congratulated you indeed, dearest brother, when the divine condescension, by a double honour, appointed you in the administration of God’s Church, as well a confessor as a priest. But now also we no less congratulate you and your companions, and the whole fraternity, that the benignant and liberal protection of the Lord has brought you back again to His own with the same glory, and with praises to you; that so the shepherd might be restored to feed his flock, and the pilot to manage the ship, and the ruler to govern the people; and that it might appear that your banishment was so divinely arranged, not that the bishop banished and driven away should be wanting to the Church, but that he should return to the Church greater than he had left it.

2. For the dignity of martyrdom was not the less in the case of the three youths, because, their death being frustrated, they came forth safe from the fiery furnace; nor did Daniel stand forth uncompleted in the praise he deserved, because, when he had been sent to the lions for a prey, he was protected by the Lord, and lived to glory. Among confessors of Christ, martyrdoms deferred do not diminish the merits of confession, but show forth the greatness of divine protection. We see represented in you what the brave and illustrious youths announced before the king, that they indeed were prepared to be burnt in the flames, that they might not serve his gods, nor worship the image which he had made; but that the God whom they worshipped, and whom we also worship, was able even to rescue them from the fiery furnace, and to deliver them from the hands of the king, and from imminent sufferings. This we now find carried out in the faith of your confession, and in the Lord’s protection over you; so that while you were prepared and ready to undergo all punishment, yet the Lord withdrew you from punishment, and preserved you for the Church. In your return the dignity of his confession has not been abridged in the bishop, but the priestly authority has rather increased; so that a priest is assisting at the altar of God, who exhorts the people to take up the arms of confession, and to submit to martyrdom, not by his words, but by his deeds; and, now that Antichrist is near, prepares the soldiers for the battle, not only by the urgency of his speech and his words, but by the example of his faith and courage.

3. We understand, dearest brother, and we perceive with the whole light of our heart, the salutary and holy plans of the divine majesty, whence the sudden persecution lately arose there—whence the secular power suddenly broke forth against the Church of Christ and the bishop Cornelius, the blessed martyr, and all of you; so that, for the confusion and beating down of heretics, the Lord might show514    [Not Novatian. The organization at Rome is here glanced at, as answering to the Cyprianic theory in all respects.] which was the Church—which is its one bishop chosen by divine appointment—which presbyters are associated with the bishop in priestly honour—which is the united and true people of Christ, linked together in the love of the Lord’s flock—who they were whom the enemy would harass; whom, on the other hand, the devil would spare as being his own. For Christ’s adversary does not persecute and attack any except Christ’s camp and soldiers; heretics, once prostrated and made his own, he despises and passes by. He seeks to cast down those whom he sees to stand.

4. And I wish, dearest brother, that the power were now given us to be with you there on your return, that we ourselves, who love you with mutual love, might, being present with the rest, also receive the very joyous fruit of your coming. What exultation among all the brethren there; what running together and embracing of each one as they arrive! Scarcely can you be satisfied with the kisses of those who cling to you; scarcely can the very faces and eyes of the people be satiated with seeing. At the joy of your coming the brotherhood there has begun to recognise what and how great a joy will follow when Christ shall come. For because His advent will quickly approach, a kind of representation has now gone before in you; that just as John, His forerunner and preparer of His way, came and preached that Christ had come, so, now that a bishop returns as a confessor of the Lord, and His priest, it appears that the Lord also is now returning. But I and my colleagues, and all the brotherhood, send this letter to you in the stead of us, dearest brother; and setting forth to you by our letter our joy, we express the faithful inclination of our love here also in our sacrifices and our prayers, not ceasing to give thanks to God the Father, and to Christ His Son our Lord; and as well to pray as to entreat, that He who is perfect, and makes perfect, will keep and perfect in you the glorious crown of your confession, who perchance has called you back for this purpose, that your glory should not be hidden, if the martyrdom of your confession should be consummated away from home. For the victim which affords an example to the brotherhood both of courage and of faith, ought to be offered up when the brethren are present. We bid you, dearest brother, ever heartily farewell.

EPISTOLA LVIII. (Erasm., III, 1. Pamel., Rigalt., Baluz., LVIII. Paris., LVI. Coustant., Epist. Rom. Pont. I, p. 207.)AD LUCIUM PAPAM ROMANUM REVERSUM AB EXILIO.

0358C ARGUMENTUM.---Gratulatur Lucio Cyprianus cum collegis 0359Ade reditu ab exilio, docens dilatam martyria gloriam non minuere. Deinde, indicans divinitus contigisse Cornelii martyrium et Lucii exilium, ad confundendos Novatianos, praedicit illi instans martyrium; ita Deo ordinante, ut non foris, sed apud suos consummaretur ejus martyrium.

(Vid. not. ad Epist. praeced.)