


 Quamichan Indians

 Quam singulari


 Quapaw Indians


 Franciscus Quaresmius

 Archdiocese of Quebec

 Province of Quebec

 Hyacinthe-Louis de Quelen

 Quem terra, pontus, sidera

 Jacopo Della Quercia

 Diocese of Querétaro

 Pasquier Quesnel

 Juan de Quevedo


 Quichua Indians

 Quicumque Christum Quæritis

 Councils of Quierzy

 Prayer of Quiet


 Diocese of Quilon

 Diocese of Quimper

 Michael Joseph Quin

 Sts. Quinctianus

 Francis Quiñones


 Agustín Quintana

 Sts. Quiricus and Julitta

 Angelo Maria Quirini

 Sts. Quirinus

 Archdiocese of Quito


"Quarantines" is an expression frequently used in the grants of indulgences, and signifies a strict ecclesiastical penance of forty days, performed according to the practice of the early Church. Hence an indulgence of seven quarantines, for instance, implies the remission of as much temporal punishment as would be blotted out by the corresponding amount of ecclesiastical penance.