The Comedies of Terence

 Table of Contents


 Act the First.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Act the Second.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

 Scene V.

 Act the Third.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

 Scene V.

 Scene VI.

 Scene VII.

 Scene VIII.

 Act the Fourth.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

 Scene V.

 Scene VI.

 Scene VII.

 Scene VIII.

 Scene IX.

 Scene X.

 Scene XI.

 Scene XII.

 Scene XIII.

 Scene XIV.

 Act the Fifth.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

 Scene V.

 Scene VI.

Scene VIII.

Re-enter Hegio, speaking to Sostrata at the door.

Be of good cheer, my Sostrata; and comfort, As much as in your pow'r, poor Pamphila! I'll find out Micio, if he's at the Forum, And tell him the whole story: if he'll act With honor in it, why 'tis well; if not, Let him but speak his mind to me, and then I shall know how to act accordingly.
