Francesco Faa di Bruno

 Felix Faber

 Frederick William Faber

 Johann Faber (Theologian)

 Johann Faber (of Heilbronn)

 Johann Augustanus Faber

 Matthias Faber

 Philip Faber

 Pope St. Fabian

 St. Fabiola

 Joseph Fabre

 Honoré Fabri

 Diocese of Fabriano and Matelica

 Fabrica Ecclesiæ

 Hieronymus Fabricius

 Robert Fabyan


 Jacopo Facciolati

 Canonical Faculties

 Faculties of the Soul

 Facundus of Hermiane

 Diocese of Faenza

 Prospero Fagnani

 Giulio Carlo de' Toschi di Fagnano

 Etienne-Michel Faillon


 Protestant Confessions of Faith

 Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity

 Rule of Faith

 The Faithful

 Society of the Faithful Companions of Jesus

 Juan Conchillos Falco


 Thomas Falkner

 Diocese of Fall River

 Gabriello Fallopio

 Vicomte de Falloux du Coudray

 False Decretals





 Diocese of Fano


 Henri Faraud

 Abbey of Farfa

 Diocese of Fargo (Fargus)

 George-Barthélemy Faribault

 Jean-Baptiste Faribault

 Paolo Farinato

 Daniele Farlati

 Alessandro Farnese

 Diocese of Faro

 Faroe Islands




 Fathers of Mercy

 Volume 7

 Fathers of the Church

 Lawrence Arthur Faunt

 Charles-Claude Fauriel

 Sts. Faustinus and Jovita

 Faustus of Riez

 Faversham Abbey

 Hervé-Auguste-Etienne-Albans Faye

 Fear (in Canon Law)

 Fear (from Moral Standpoint)

 Ecclesiastical Feasts


 John de Feckenham

 Johann Michael Feder

 Rudolph William Basil Feilding

 Andreas Benedict Feilmoser

 Johann Ignaz von Felbiger

 Felician Sisters


 St. Felicitas

 Sts. Felicitas and Perpetua

 Pope St. Felix I

 Pope Felix II

 Pope St. Felix III

 Pope St. Felix IV

 Anti-Pope Felix V (Amadeus of Savoy)

 Célestin-Joseph Félix

 Sts. Felix and Adauctus

 St. Felix of Cantalice

 St. Felix of Nola

 St. Felix of Valois

 François-Xavier de Feller

 Johann Michael Nathanael Feneberg

 François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon

 John Fenn

 Nicolaus Ferber

 Bl. Ferdinand

 Ferdinand II

 St. Ferdinand III

 Diocese of Ferentino

 Sts. Fergus


 Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Ferland

 Archdiocese of Fermo

 Antonio Fernández

 Juan Fernández

 Diego Fernández de Palencia

 Diocese of Ferns

 Archdiocese of Ferrara

 Gaudenzio Ferrari

 Lucius Ferraris

 Vicente Ferre

 Antonio Ferreira

 Rafael Ferrer

 Abbey of Ferrières

 Heinrich Freiherr von Ferstel

 Joseph Fesch

 Josef Fessler

 Domenico Feti


 François Feuardent

 Baron Ernst Von Feuchtersleben



 Louis Feuillet

 Paul-Henri-Corentin Féval

 Benito Jerónimo Feyjóo y Montenegro

 St. Fiacc

 St. Fiacre

 Marsilio Ficino

 Julius von Ficker


 St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen

 Diocese of Fiesole

 Francisco de Figueroa

 Francisco García de la Rosa Figueroa

 Francesco Filelfo

 Filial Church

 Vincenzo da Filicaja


 Guillaume Fillastre (Philastrius)

 Vincenzo Filliucci

 Felix Filliucius

 St. Finan

 St. Finbarr

 Ven. John Finch

 Ven. John Finglow

 Grand Duchy of Finland

 St. Finnian of Moville

 Joseph M. Finotti

 Sts. Fintan

 Fioretti di San Francesco d'Assisi

 Liturgical Use of Fire


 Firmicus Maternus




 Fiscal Procurator

 Symbolism of the Fish

 Philip Fisher

 Daniel Fitter

 James Fitton

 Henry Fitzalan

 Maria Anne Fitzherbert

 Sir Anthony Fitzherbert

 Thomas Fitzherbert

 William John Fitzpatrick

 Richard Fitzralph

 Henry Fitzsimon

 Thomas Fitz-Simons

 Placidus Fixlmillner

 Armand-Hippolyte-Louis Fizeau


 Ælia Flaccilla



 Benedict Joseph Flaget

 Thomas Canon Flanagan


 Jean-Hippolyte Flandrin

 Flathead Indians

 Ven. Mathew Flathers

 Flavia Domitilla

 St. Flavian


 Abbey of Flavigny


 Esprit Fléchier

 Bertholet Flemael

 Patrick Fleming

 Richard Fleming

 Thomas Fleming

 John Fletcher

 William Flete

 Zénaide-Marie-Anne Fleuriot

 Abbey of Fleury

 André-Hercule de Fleury

 Claude Fleury


 Abbey of Floreffe

 Archdiocese of Florence

 Florence of Worcester

 St. Florentina

 Enrique Flórez

 Jean-Pierre Claris, Chevalier de Florian

 The Florians




 John Floyd

 Archdiocese of Fogaras

 Diocese of Foggia

 St. Foillan

 Teofilo Folengo

 Diocese of Foligno

 Folkestone Abbey

 José Ribeiro da Fonseca

 Pedro da Fonseca

 Antonio da Fonseca Soares

 Carlo Fontana

 Domenico Fontana

 Felice Fontana

 Jeanne Fontbonne


 Abbey of Fontenelle

 Order and Abbey of Fontevrault

 Abbey of Fontfroide

 Feast of Fools

 Ambrogio Foppa

 John Forbes

 Comte de Charles-Auguste-Marie-Joseph Forbin-Janson

 Egidio Forcellini

 Andrew Foreman

 Laurenz Forer

 Catholic Orders of Foresters

 Forgery, Forger

 Diocese of Forli


 Henry Formby

 Pope Formosus


 William Forrest

 Arnold Förster

 Frobenius Forster

 Thomas Ignatius Maria Forster

 Diocese of Fortaleza

 Fort Augustus Abbey

 Bl. Adrian Fortescue


 Fortunato of Brescia

 Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus

 Diocese of Fort Wayne

 Forty Hours' Devotion

 Forty Martyrs

 Ecclesiastical Forum

 Diocese of Fossano

 Diocese of Fossombrone (Forum Sempronii)


 John Gray Foster

 St. Fothad

 Constant Fouard

 Jean-Bertrand-Léon Foucault

 Foulque de Neuilly


 Foundling Asylums

 Fountains Abbey

 Jehan Fouquet

 Four Crowned Martyrs

 Annals of the Four Masters

 John Fowler

 Fractio Panis


 French Literature

 Marc' Antonio Franceschini

 Bl. Frances d'Amboise

 St. Frances of Rome

 Ausonio Franchi


 Francis I

 Rule of Saint Francis

 St. Francis Borgia

 Franciscan Order

 St. Francis Caracciolo

 St. Francis de Geronimo

 St. Francis de Sales

 St. Francis of Assisi

 Bl. Francis of Fabriano

 St. Francis of Paula

 Francis of Vittoria

 Bl. Francis Regis Clet

 St. Francis Solanus

 St. Francis Xavier

 Kaspar Franck

 Giovanni Battista Franco

 Michael Sigismund Frank

 Graf von Frankenberg

 Council of Frankfort



 Johann Baptist Franzelin

 Diocese of Frascati

 Claude Frassen



 Joseph von Fraunhofer

 Denis de Frayssinous

 Louis-Honoré Fréchette


 Fredegis of Tours

 Frederick I (Barbarossa)

 Frederick II

 Berenger Fredoli

 Free Church of Scotland

 Ven. William Freeman


 Free Will

 Federigo Fregoso


 Diocese of Fréjus (Forum Julii)

 James Fremin

 Nicholas French

 French Catholics in the United States

 Charles-Emile Freppel

 Frequent Communion

 Augustin-Jean Fresnel


 Order of Friars Minor

 University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

 Xaver Ehrenbert Fridelli

 St. Frideswide

 St. Fridolin

 Friedrich von Hausen

 Society of Friends (Quakers)

 Friends of God

 Abbey of Frigolet

 Fringes (in Scripture)

 Samuel Fritz

 Jean Froissart

 Eugène Fromentin

 Count Louis de Buade Frontenac

 Bl. Frowin

 St. Fructuosus of Braga

 St. Fructuosus of Tarragona

 Johann Nepomuk von Fuchs

 Joseph Führich

 Fulbert of Chartres

 St. Fulcran

 Diocese of Fulda

 St. Fulgentius

 St. Fabius Claudius Gordianus Fulgentius

 Fulgentius Ferrandus

 Lady Georgiana Charlotte Fullerton

 Bartolommeo Fumo

 Diocese of Funchal

 Fundamental Articles

 Funeral Dues

 Funeral Pall

 Diocese of Fünfkirchen

 Franz Xaver von Funk

 Furness Abbey


 John Furniss

 St. Fursey

 Franz Friedrich Wilhelm von Fürstenberg


 John Fust

 William Benedict Fytch

Fabrica Ecclesiæ

A Latin term, meaning, etymologically, the construction of a church, but in a broader sense the funds necessary for such construction. This expression may also be used to designate the repairing and maintenance of churches, the daily expense of worship, and to the amount requisite for covering these expenses. In this particular connexion, the expression is first met with in the letter of Pope Simplicius to Gaudentius, Bishop of Aufina (19 Nov., 475); however, even then it was not new, being borrowed from profane usage.

During the first Christian centuries the temporalities intended to meet the expenses incurred by the religious services carried on throughout a diocese belonged entirely to the cathedral church, and constituted a common fund which the bishop used, at his option, in defraying the expenses of religion, supporting his ministers, and caring for the poor. But in the fifth century, particularly in Italy, this common fund was divided into four parts, one of which was set aside for the fabrica ecclesiæ. In Sicily, however, in 494, no portion was especially reserved for the fabric, and in Gaul, such an allotment seems to have been unknown. In Spain, a third of the ecclesiastical revenues was assigned to the luminare (lights), a term synonymous with fabrica. The increase of Christianity in the rural districts brought with it a change of discipline, according to which each church obtained a separate patrimony. In fact, benefactors no longer bestowed their gifts on the entire diocese, but on one particular church, frequently in honour of some saint specially venerated there. The common fund itself was divided among the churches of the diocese. Some writers maintain this division was owing to the establishment of ecclesiastical benefices; others claim that it followed the canonical recognition of the private ownership of churches. After vainly endeavouring to restrict the exercise of public worship to churches whose ownership had been completely renounced by the founders, the canon law eventually permitted public worship in churches that remained the private property of an individual, a monastery or even the episcopal mensa, or estate. The owner, however, was obliged to set apart a special fund for the needs of the church (pro sertis tectis, or for the luminare). Henceforth, when a bishop established a new parish, he was bound to provide for its needs by a specified income to be deducted from the common diocesan estate or fund-of course, if no benefactor had otherwise endowed the parish. Some hold that in consequence of the principles governing feudal society all medieval churches and their revenues became private property, and that the conflict of Gregory VII and his successors against lay investitures was in reality an effort to restore its lost possessions to the ecclesiastical domain. The result of so much strife was the transformation of former proprietary rights into the right of patronage (Jus patronatus).

While ecclesiastical ownership was going through these phases, the canon law decided who must contribute to the maintenance of a particular church, i. e. its owner, and all recipients of its revenues (Synod of Frankfort, 794); under pain, therefore, of forfeiting his right of patronage, the patron of a church must share the burden of its maintenance; so too the incumbent of the ecclesiastical benefice and those to whom the tithes have been granted (decimatores). Finally, when the resources of the church were insufficient, the faithful themselves were bound to contribute to the expenses of Divine worship. These provisions were sanctioned by the Decretals of Gregory IX (cc. i and iv de ecclesiis ædificandis, III, 48), and by the Council of Trent (Sess. XXI, de ref. c. vii); they represent in this matter the common ecclesiastical law (see ). The fabrica ecclesiæ means also the persons charged with the administration of church property, usually laymen. The origin and historical development of this institution have not yet been studied very closely. Their organization, moreover, has differed from one country to another, nor have they been uniformly organized in the same country. Churches subject to the right of patronage and those incorporated, even for temporal administration, with monasteries, were more closely affected than other churches by this condition of dependency. In such churches the patron occasionally appointed an officer to administer the temporalities. It is commonly believed, however, that "church fabrics" do not antedate the thirteenth century. In the first ages of the Church the bishop administered church property with the aid of deacons and priests, but during the fourth century there appeared in the Orient and in certain countries of the West, bursars (œconomi), who, subject to the direction of the bishop, managed the temporal affairs of churches; in other countries the bishop continued to administer the church property with the assistance of some trustworthy man of his choice. When each church came to have its own particular patrimony, the bishop was naturally obliged to turn over the administration of such property to the local clergy, reserving nevertheless a right of control. During the long Investitures conflict this right, it may be, was completely annihilated; when peace was restored the clergy were often obliged to appeal to the inhabitants of the parish to defray the expenses of religion. In France and England especially, the assembled parishoners established the portion of expenses that ought to be borne by the community; naturally, therefore, this assembly was henceforth consulted in regard to the most important acts connected with the administration of the parish temporalities. For that purpose it selected lay delegates who participated in the ordinary administration of the ecclesiastical property set aside for parochial uses. They were called vestrymen, churchwardens, procurators (procuratores), mambours (mamburni), luminiers, gagers, provisores, vitrici, operarii, altirmanni, etc.

In the councils of the thirteenth century frequent mention is made of laymen, chosen by their fellow laymen to participate in the administration of temporal affairs; at the same time the rights of the parish priest and of ecclesiastical authority were maintained. A reaction is visible in the councils of the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries which undertake to check the tendency towards an exclusively lay administration of the parochial property. Eventually the Council of Trent (Sess. XXII de ref. c. ix) admitted participation in the administration of ecclesiastical property, but demanded that at all times and in all places the lay administrators render an annual account to the bishop or to his delegate. As no general law has determined either the competency or the composition of fabric committees (conseils de fabrique) there has been in this respect very great variations. In modern times secular power has frequently interfered in the administration of ecclesiastical property set apart for purposes of worship, and in the organization of church fabrics. Even now, in most European countries, the State regulates the administration of ecclesiastical property, and the proceedings of church fabrics. (See under an outline of the regulations actually in force.)

THOMASSINUS,Vetus et nova Ecclesiæ disciplina circa beneficia (Paris, 1691), Pars III, lib. I, II; SŒNENS,Des fabriques d'église (Louvain, 1862); STUTZ,Geschichte des kirchlichen Beneficialwesens (Berlin, 1895), I; IDEM,Die Eigenkirche als Element des mittelalterlich-germanischen Kirchenrechts (Berlin, 1895); BONDROIT,De capacitate possidendi Ecclesiæ (Louvain, 1900), I; ROTH,Geschichte des Beneficialwesens (Erlangen, 1850); GROSS,Das Recht an der Pfründe (Gratz, 1887); IMBART DE LA TOUR,L:es paroisses rurales du IVe au XIe siècle (Paris, 1900); KÜNSTLE,Die deutsche Pfarrei und ihr Recht zu Ausgang des Mittelalters (Stuttgart, 1905); VON POSCHINGER,Das Eigenthurn an Kirchenvermögen (Munich, 1871); LESÊTRE,La paroisse (Paris, 1906); CLÉMENT,Recherches sur le paroisses et les fabriques au commencement du XIIIe siècle in Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'Ecole française de Rome (Paris, 1895), XV, 387; FROGER,De l'organisation et de l'administration des fabriques avant 1789, au diocèse du Mans in Revue des questions historiques (Paris, 1890), LXIII, 406-436, and VACANT-MANGENOT,Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, s. v. Biens ecclésiastiques (Paris, 1905), II, 844-878.