The Second Epistle of the Same Clement.

 The Second Epistle of the Same Clement.

 Chapter II.—His Behaviour in Places Where There Were Christians of Both Sexes.

 Chapter III.—Rules for the Conduct of Celibate Brethren in Places Where There are Only Married Christians.

 Chapter IV.—Conduct of the Holy Man Where There are Women Only.

 Chapter V.—Where There is Only One Woman, the Father Does Not Make a Stay How Carefully Stumbling-Blocks Must Be Avoided.

 Chapter VI.—How Christians Should Behave Themselves Among Heathens.

 Chapter VII.—Uses of Considering Admonitory Examples, as Well as Instructive Patterns.

 Chapter VIII.—Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife Of What Kind Love to Females Ought to Be.

 Chapter IX.—Samson’s Admonitory Fall.

 Chapter X.—David’s Sin, So Admonitory to Us Weak Men.

 Chapter XI.—Admonitory History of the Incestuous Children of David.

 Chapter XII.—Solomon’s Infatuation Through Women.

 Chapter XIII.—The History of Susanna Teaches Circumspection with the Eyes and in Society.

 Chapter XIV.—Examples of Circumspect Behaviour from the Old Testament.

 Chapter XV.—The Example of Jesus How We May Allow Ourselves to Be Served by Women.

 Chapter XVI.—Exhortation to Union and to Obedience Conclusion.

Chapter X.—David’s Sin, So Admonitory to Us Weak Men.

Does not the case of David instruct thee, whom God “found a man after His heart,”45 1 Sam. xvi. 13; Ps. lxxxix. 20, seqq.; Acts xiii. 22. one faithful, faultless, pious, true? This same man saw the beauty of a woman—I mean of Bathsheba—when he saw her as she was cleansing herself and washing unclothed. This woman the holy man saw, and was thoroughly46 Lit. “verily.” captivated with desire by the sight of her.47 “By the pleasure derived from the sight of her.”—Beelen. See, then, what evils he committed because of a woman, and how this righteous man sinned, and gave command that the husband of this woman should be killed in battle. Ye have seen what wicked schemes he laid and executed, and how, because of his passion for a woman, he perpetrated a murder—he, David, who was called “the anointed of the Lord.”48 Ps. xviii. 50; 2 Sam. xix. 21. Be admonished, O man: for, if such men as these have been brought to ruin through women, what is thy righteousness, or what art thou among the holy, that thou consortest with women and with maidens day and night, with much silliness, without fear of God? Not thus, my brethren, not thus let us conduct ourselves; but let us be mindful of that word which is spoken concerning a woman: “Her hands lay snares, and her heart spreadeth nets; but the just shall escape from her, whilst the wicked falleth into her hands.”49 Eccl. vii. 26. Therefore let us, who are consecrated,50 Lit. “holy.” be careful not to live in the same house with females who have taken the vow. For such conduct as this is not becoming nor right for the servants of God.