The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians

 Chapter I.—Reason for writing the epistle.

 Chapter II.—Unity of the three divine persons.

 Chapter III.—Christ was truly born, and died.

 Chapter IV.—The malignity and folly of Satan.

 Chapter V.—Apostrophe to Satan.

 Chapter VI.—Continuation.

 Chapter VII.—Continuation: inconsistency of Satan.

 Chapter VIII.—Continuation: ignorance of Satan.

 Chapter IX.—Continuation: ignorance of Satan.

 Chapter X.—Continuation: audacity of Satan.

 Chapter XI.—Continuation: audacity of Satan.

 Chapter XII.—The meek reply of Christ.

 Chapter XIII.—Various exhortations and directions.

 Chapter XIV.—Farewells and cautions.

 Chapter XV.—Salutations. Conclusion.

Chapter XIII.—Various exhortations and directions.

These things, brethren, out of the affection which I entertain for you, I have felt compelled to write, exhorting you with a view to the glory of God, not as if I were a person of any consequence, but simply as a brother. Be ye subject to the bishop, to the presbyters, and to the deacons. Love one another in the Lord, as being the images of God. Take heed, ye husbands, that ye love your wives as your own members. Ye wives also, love your husbands, as being one with them in virtue of your union. If any one lives in chastity or continence, let him not be lifted up, lest he lose his reward. Do not lightly esteem the festivals. Despise not the period of forty days, for it comprises an imitation of the conduct of the Lord. After the week of the passion, do not neglect to fast on the fourth and sixth days, distributing at the same time of thine abundance to the poor. If any one fasts on the Lord’s Day or on the Sabbath, except on the paschal Sabbath only, he is a murderer of Christ.