Verses on Various Occasions

















































































































































































 Dream of Gerontius



 102. The Wrath to Come  "From His mouth came out a sharp two-edged sword."  WHEN first God stirr'd me, and the Church's word  Came as a theme of reverent search and fear,  It little cost to own the lustre clear Of truths she taught, and rite and rule she stored; For conscience craved, and reason did accord.  Yet one there was that wore a mien austere,  And I did doubt, and, startled, ask'd to hear Whose mouth had force to edge so sharp a sword. My mother oped her trust, the holy Book; And heal'd my pang. She pointed, and I found Christ on Himself, considerate Master, took The utterance of that doctrine's fearful sound. The Fount of Love His servants sends to tell Love's deeds; Himself reveals the sinner's hell.

   Off Sardinia .  June 21, 1833.