The Republic

 Table of Contents

 Introduction and Analysis.

 Book I.

 Book II.

 Book III.

 Book IV.

 Book V.

 Book VI.

 Book VII.

 Book VIII.

 Book IX.

 Book X.

 There still remain to be considered some points which have been intentionally reserved to the end: (1) the Janus-like character of the Republic, which

 Book I Of Wealth, Justice, Moderation, and Their Opposites Persons of the Dialogue SOCRATES, who is the narrator. CEPHALUS. GLACON. THRASYMACHUS. ADEI

 Book II The Individual, the State, and Education

 Book III The Arts in Education

 Book IV Wealth, Poverty, and Virtue

 Book V On Matrimony and Philosophy

 Book VI The Philosophy of Government

 Book VII On Shadows and Realities in Education

 Book VIII Four Forms of Government

 Book IX On Wrong or Right Government, and the Pleasures of Each

 Book X The Recompense of Life