Geometrical Solutions Derived from Mechanics

 Table of Contents


 Geometrical Solutions Derived from Mechanics.

 Proposition I

 Proposition II

 Proposition III

 Proposition IV

 Proposition V

 Proposition VI

 Proposition VII

 Proposition VIIa

 Proposition VIII

 Proposition IX

 Proposition X

 Proposition XI

 Proposition XII

 Proposition XIII

 Proposition XIV

Geometrical Solutions Derived from Mechanics.

Archimedes to Eratosthenes, Greeting:

Some time ago I sent you some theorems I had discovered, writing down only the propositions because I wished you to find their demonstrations which had not been given. The propositions of the theorems which I sent you were the following:

1. If in a perpendicular prism with a parallelogram10 for base a cylinder is inscribed which has its bases in the opposite parallelograms10 and its surface touching the other planes of the prism, and if a plane is passed through the center of the circle that is the base of the cylinder and one side of the square lying in the opposite plane, then that plane will cut off from the cylinder a section which is bounded by two planes, the intersecting plane and the one in which the base of the cylinder lies, and also by as much of the surface of the cylinder as lies between these same planes; and the detached section of the cylinder is 1/6 of the whole prism.

2. If in a cube a cylinder is inscribed whose bases lie in opposite parallelograms* and whose surface touches the other four planes, and if in the same cube a second cylinder is inscribed whose bases lie in two other parallelograms* and whose surface touches the four other planes, then the body enclosed by the surface of the cylinder and comprehended within both cylinders will be equal to 2/3 of the whole cube.

* This must mean a square.

These propositions differ essentially from those formerly discovered; for then we compared those bodies (conoids, spheroids and their segments) with the volume of cones and cylinders but none of them was found to be equal to a body enclosed by planes. Each of these bodies, on the other hand, which are enclosed by two planes and cylindrical surfaces is found to be equal to a body enclosed by planes. The demonstration of these propositions I am accordingly sending to you in this book.

Since I see, however, as I have previously said, that you are a capable scholar and a prominent teacher of philosophy, and also that you understand how to value a mathematical method of investigation when the opportunity is offered, I have thought it well to analyze and lay down for you in this same book a peculiar method by means of which it will be possible for you to derive instruction as to how certain mathematical questions may be investigated by means of mechanics. And I am convinced that this is equally profitable in demonstrating a proposition itself; for much that was made evident to me through the medium of mechanics was later proved by means of geometry because the treatment by the former method had not yet been established by way of a demonstration. For of course it is easier to establish a proof if one has in this way previously obtained a conception of the questions, than for him to seek it without such a preliminary notion. Thus in the familiar propositions the demonstrations of which Eudoxos was the first to discover, namely that a cone and a pyramid are one third the size of that cylinder and prism respectively that have the same base and altitude, no little credit is due to Democritos who was the first to make that statement about these bodies without any demonstration. But we are in a position to have found the present proposition in the same way as the earlier one; and I have decided to write down and make known the method partly because we have already talked about it heretofore and so no one would think that we were spreading abroad idle talk, and partly in the conviction that by this means we are obtaining no slight advantage for mathematics, for indeed I assume that some one among the investigators of to-day or in the future will discover by the method here set forth still other propositions which have not yet occurred to us.

In the first place we will now explain what was also first made clear to us through mechanics, namely that a segment of a parabola is 4/3 of the triangle possessing the same base and equal altitude; following which we will explain in order the particular propositions discovered by the above mentioned method; and in the last part of the book we will present the geometrical demonstrations of the propositions.*

* In his "Commentar," Professor Zeuthen calls attention to the fact that it was aiready known from Heron's recently discovered Metrica that these propositions were contained in this treatise, and Professor Heiberg made the same comment in Hermes. - Tr.

1. If one magnitude is taken away from another magnitude and the same point is the center of gravity both of the whole and of the part removed, then the same point is the center of gravity of the remaining portion.

2. If one magnitude is taken away from another magnitude and the center of gravity of the whole and of the part removed is not the same point, the center of gravity of the remaining portion may be found by prolonging the straight line which connects the centers of gravity of the whole and of the part removed, and setting off upon it another straight line which bears the same ratio to the straight line between the aforesaid centers of gravity, as the weight of the magnitude which has been taken away bears to the weight of the one remaining [De plan. aequil. I, 8].

3. If the centers of gravity of any number of magnitudes lie upon the same straight line, then will the center of gravity of all the magnitudes combined lie also upon the same straight line [Cf. ibid. I, 5].

4. The center of gravity of a straight line is the center of that line [Cf. ibid. I, 4].

5. The center of gravity of a triangle is the point in which the straight lines drawn from the angles of a triangle to the centers of the opposite sides intersect [Ibid. I, 14].

6. The center of gravity of a parallelogram is the point where its diagonals meet [Ibid. I, 10].

7. The center of gravity [of a circle] is the center [of that circle].

8. The center of gravity of a cylinder [is the center of its axis].

9. The center of gravity of a prism is the center of its axis.

10. The center of gravity of a cone so divides its axis that the section at the vertex is three times as great as the remainder.

11. Moreover together with the exercise here laid down I will make use of the following proposition:

If any number of magnitudes stand in the same ratio to the same number of other magnitudes which correspond pair by pair, and if either all or some of the former magnitudes stand in any ratio whatever to other magnitudes, and the latter in the same ratio to the corresponding ones, then the sum of the magnitudes of the first series will bear the same ratio to the sum of those taken from the third series as the sum of those of the second series bears to the sum of those taken from the fourth series [De Conoid. I].