ODE 1.

 ODE 2.

 ODE 3.

 ODE 4.

 ODE 5.

 ODE 6.

 ODE 7.

 ODE 8.

 ODE 9.

 ODE 10.

 ODE 11.

 ODE 12.

 ODE 13.

 ODE 14.

 ODE 15.

 ODE 16.

 ODE 17.

 ODE 18.

 ODE 19.

 ODE 20.

 ODE 21.

 ODE 22.

 ODE 23.

 ODE 24.

 ODE 25.

 ODE 26.

 ODE 27.

 ODE 28.

 ODE 29.

 ODE 30.

 ODE 31.

 ODE 32.

 ODE 33.

 ODE 34.

 ODE 35.

 ODE 36.

 ODE 37.

 ODE 38.

 ODE 39.

 ODE 40.

 ODE 41.

 ODE 42.

ODE 6.

First century universalism is revealed in an interesting way in verse 10.

1 As the hand moves over the harp, and the strings speak.
2 So speaks in my members the Spirit of the Lord, and I speak by His love.
3 For it destroys what is foreign, and everything that is bitter:
4 For thus it was from the beginning and will be to the end, that nothing should be His adversary, and nothing should stand up against Him.
5 The Lord has multiplied the knowledge of Himself, and is zealous that these things should be known, which by His grace have been given to us.
6 And the praise of His name He gave us: our spirits praise His holy Spirit.
7 For there went forth a stream and became a river great and broad;
8 For it flooded and broke up everything and it brought (water) to the Temple:
9 And the restrainers of the children of men were not able to restrain it, nor the arts of those whose business it is to restrain waters;
10 For it spread over the face of the whole earth, and filled everything: and all the thirsty upon earth were given to drink of it;
11 And thirst was relieved and quenched: for from the Most High the draught was given.
12 Blessed then are the ministers of that draught who are entrusted with that water of His:
13 They have assuaged the dry lips, and the will that had fainted they have raised up;
14 And souls that were near departing they have caught back from death:
15 And limbs that had fallen they straightened and set up:
16 They gave strength for their feebleness and light to their eyes:
17 For everyone knew them in the Lord, and they lived by the water of life for ever. Hallelujah.