On the Jewish Meats.

 On the Jewish Meats.

 Therefore, first of all, we must avail ourselves of that passage, “that the law is spiritual ” and if they deny it to be spiritual, they assuredly bla

 How far, then, must that law, which—as I have shown by the authority of the apostle—is spiritual, be spiritually received in order that the divine and

 To these considerations, then, thus enumerated, were added also other reasons for which many kinds of meats were withheld from the Jews and that this

 And thus there was a certain ancient time, wherein those shadows or figures were to be used, that meats should be abstained from which had indeed been

 But from the fact that liberty of meats is granted to us, it does not of necessity follow that luxury is allowed us nor because the Gospel has dealt

 But it must be very greatly guarded against in the use of food, and we must be warned lest any should think that liberty is permitted to that degree t

On the Jewish Meats.