On Idolatry.

 Chapter I.—Wide Scope of the Word Idolatry.

 Chapter II.—Idolatry in Its More Limited Sense. Its Copiousness.

 Chapter III.—Idolatry: Origin and Meaning of the Name.

 Chapter IV.—Idols Not to Be Made, Much Less Worshipped. Idols and Idol-Makers in the Same Category.

 We will certainly take more pains in answering the excuses of artificers of this kind, who ought never to be admitted into the house of God, if any ha

 Chapter VI.—Idolatry Condemned by Baptism. To Make an Idol Is, in Fact, to Worship It.

 Chapter VII.—Grief of the Faithful at the Admission of Idol-Makers into the Church Nay, Even into the Ministry.

 Chapter VIII.—Other Arts Made Subservient to Idolatry. Lawful Means of Gaining a Livelihood Abundant.

 Chapter IX.—Professions of Some Kinds Allied to Idolatry. Of Astrology in Particular.

 Chapter X.—Of Schoolmasters and Their Difficulties.

 Chapter XI.—Connection Between Covetousness and Idolatry. Certain Trades, However Gainful, to Be Avoided.

 Chapter XII.—Further Answers to the Plea, How Am I to Live?

 Chapter XIII.—Of the Observance of Days Connected with Idolatry.

 Chapter XIV.—Of Blasphemy. One of St. Paul’s Sayings.

 Chapter XV.—Concerning Festivals in Honour of Emperors, Victories, and the Like.  Examples of the Three Children and Daniel.

 Chapter XVI.—Concerning Private Festivals.

 Chapter XVII.—The Cases of Servants and Other Officials. What Offices a Christian Man May Hold.

 Chapter XVIII.—Dress as Connected with Idolatry.

 Chapter XIX.—Concerning Military Service.

 Chapter XX.—Concerning Idolatry in Words.

 Chapter XXI.—Of Silent Acquiescence in Heathen Formularies.

 Chapter XXII.—Of Accepting Blessing in the Name of Idols.

 Chapter XXIII.—Written Contracts in the Name of Idols. Tacit Consent.

 Chapter XXIV.—General Conclusion.

On Idolatry.