
 I Dissertatiunculæ quædam Critico-Theologicæ

 Dissertatio I. De Quarta Oratione S. Athanasii contra Arianos

  Dissertatio 2. De Ecthesi Ephesina contra Paulum Samostatenum

 Dissertatio III. De Formula [ prin gennethenai ouk en ] Anathematismi Nicæni

 Dissertatio IV. De Vocibus [ ex heteras hypostaseos e ousias ] Anathematismi Nicæni

 II. On the Text of the Seven Epistles of Saint Ignatius

 III. On The Causes of Arianism
















   IV. The Heresy of Apollinaris

  V. On St. Cyril's Formula [ mia physis sesarkomene ]

 VI. The Ordo de Tempore in the Roman Breviary

 VII. The History of the Text of the Rheims and Douay Version of Holy Scripture
